Questions & Answers

  1. What does going out mean?
  2. Why would a guy never call again?
  3. How do I pick out of three girls?
  4. Does she want to be more than a friend?
  5. Can best friends really fall in love?
  6. What do I do when I can't stop thinking about him, but I'm with someone else?
  7. How to break up with my girlfriend without hurting her feelings?
  8. will he ever come out of his shell(s)?
  9. How do I get over my ex?
  10. When is the right time to move in/get married?
  11. Should it bother me that my guy keeps bringing up the "other" guy?
  12. Me and my girlfriend are having had times right now please help me
  13. Games to Play with your Boyfriend
  14. my guy best friend problemm...
  15. How can I help my ex when the baby his girlfriend is carrying isn't his?
  16. What should I do when my fiance won't include me in her family's life?
  17. How do I get over my ex?
  18. What do I do if I have a girlfriend but I love another woman?
  19. moving further.. but ( embarassment plays a role )
  20. Married but feeling desire for someone else - emotional affair
  21. Confused about marrying fiance due to mostly sexless relationship
  22. How to I control my nerves about going on this date?
  23. How do I get a date to the formal?
  24. How do I get over my ex boyfriend?
  25. What is the "nervous game"?
  26. Do I break up with him or keep trying to make it work?
  27. How do I stop my friendship with my ex from failing?
  28. How does Cinderella get the guy?
  29. Is it bad that I just got dumped and I already like another guy?
  30. How do I find the girl I fell in love with after knowing for only 7 hours?
  31. Am I over my ex?
  32. I want an affair--I think...
  33. Tips on shaving the bikini area without getting bumps etc?
  34. Should I go to homecoming with my friend's ex even if she wants me to?
  35. What to do when you've been left?
  36. When to get condoms and what size?
  37. Simple Question Please give advice!!1 thanks
  38. How do I take the next step?
  39. What can I do if my girlfriend's parents won't let her date me?
  40. Can you give me some advice about asking a girl out?
  41. What does he mean when he asks how I "really" feel?
  42. What can I do about falling for my boyfriend's nephew?
  43. What should I tell the girl I love about the other guy?
  44. when you get molested
  45. What do guys like to talk about?
  46. Why is my ex dating my double?
  47. My one time with an older married women...feeling guilty...please
  48. What if I just feel so alone?
  49. Am I a user or am I innocent?
  50. How do I make the first move with my girlfriend?
  51. He loves me, He loves me not
  52. Is a lot of discharge a symptom of an STD?
  53. How to I stop the urge to cheat on my husband?
  54. "zit" down there... is that possible and it not be an st
  55. Should I or should I not kiss the guy I like?
  56. Does he still love her?
  57. Cant figure him out does he like me or not
  58. My Boyfriend is leaving
  59. married and wanting to have an affair,a little excitement .Like w
  60. Betrayed at work by husband?
  61. How do I tell my boyfriend he has bad breath?
  62. How do I deal with my hurt feelings after losing two boyfriends?
  63. Why does he only give me attention when nobody is looking?
  64. How can I show my parents that they were mean?
  65. How can I make him jealous?
  66. Friend turns into Bride from Hell
  67. What do I do with a friend if I'm only using her for her money?
  68. Still Virgins & havent even had a first kiss!!! Help
  69. I Like Him But Dont Know If He Likes Me Back. Please Help.
  70. I need advice... On asking a women for their name and number..
  71. Interested in his ex , or not?
  72. What is love really worth? And when do you say "enough is en
  73. what went wrong during our happy relationship
  74. What if two guys like me but I like someone else?
  75. How do I have sex with my boyfriend when it feels like I'm with my father?
  76. Should I have an extramarital affair?
  77. What do I do if I fear my husband will cheat on me?
  78. How do I make him understand that it hurts me when he looks at other girls?
  79. How do I know if I love him back?
  80. Why does sex change your relationship?
  81. How do I break it off without breaking his heart?
  82. Why has my man not had sexual intercourse with me?
  83. he thinks everything is fine because hes always satisfied...but wh
  84. Should I turn a friend into a life long partner?
  85. I'm only 16 and I can't keep an erection long enough to
  86. Does he like me or am I going crazy?
  87. What do I do if he loves both me and her?
  88. How do I win him back?
  89. Is there a reason why I'm so scared of sex?
  90. Why did I break up with him?
  91. Do I want a divorce?
  92. how do I get this boy to love me??
  93. Can my husband be trusted?
  94. What do I buy my wife for christmas?
  95. Is it right to end this long distance relationship?
  96. Is he so incognito about cheating on me?
  97. How do I talk to this chick I like?
  98. Can you help me out with this girl I like?
  99. How can I tell him how I feel about him?
  100. Am I feeling love or wanting security?