What is love really worth? And when do you say "enough is en

I got married last year, about ten months ago. We've been together a bit more than three years in total. I'd almost called things off a few times because of really hurtful things he'd done, but we made up and I truly forgave him and we ended up going through with the wedding. There are a lot of great things about our relationship and I do love him.

About a month ago, things hit breaking point (repeat performance of a lot of the same old disrespectful stuff) and I moved out and have been staying with friends, although we have spoken every day to try and work things out.

The situation is more complex because I relocated for the relationship and have, in the process, learned a new language, found a job, made friends and really struggled to make a life here for myself, and for "us". This has made me really try to make things work in the relationship in the past because of the big commitment I made by giving up everything I had to be with him. But things have been souring for a while and I think my partner and I are just fundamentally different on what we want out of a relationship. He promised me that within two years, we'd move back to Australia, but when two years was up, there were all sorts of reasons (some valid, some simply lame excuses) why that just wasn't going to happen. There are other things (like getting our own apartment in the inner-city - we still live with his best friend in "his" apartment) which I have begged for and been given multiple reasons as to why they weren't going to happen either.

Six months ago, he lost his job and has just sat around the house the whole time, not looking for work or progressing his life in any way (his company went backrupt and he got a pretty nice payout). His life began to revolve around partying and hanging out with friends and I began to feel even more on the outside of his life than I did already. When I felt that he no longer respected me AT ALL, I left.

Since then, as we have tried to work through things, he has begged me to come back, promised me he can and will be different, apologised hundreds of times, etc., but I am just not sure that I can so easily forgive him again. I do know he sees where he went wrong, and he understands why I am upset.

Now, (since I've gone), he's finally got another job, which means he's moving to another city about 3 hours away next week, and leaving me here in a job I really don't like, in an apartment I hate with a flatmate I don't get along with in a city I am not that happy in, and he expects me to wait for him to finish this six month contract and then "see what happens" with regard to our long term plans.

I don't want to think it's over for good, because we had dreams together that I would like to see come true, but can people really change if they are incredibly hurtful throughout an entire relationship, without even realising it at the time, once they've realised the error of their ways? And is it better for myself in the long run to just set about achieving my goals without him? Or is true love worth continually bending and flexing for and sacrificing things that I really want personally out of my own life.

Ending it means COMPLETELY restarting my life somewhere else again, continuing it means staying somewhere that I'm not truly happy in all areas of life, AND not getting to see my husband hardly at all over the next six months (minimum). What do I do???

Answer #1

I understand from your post that you have made major sacrifices so you can be with this man. My question is–has HE made any major sacrifices or is it mainly you? Because I believe marriage is a 100%–100% merge; each doing 100% for each other. If this is the case, then I would tell him he needs to hitch his horse to the 'giving' pole. It isn't all his fault if this is how the relationship was originally set up.

You say he has apologized, begged you to come back, and promised he'll be different. That's good, but you need to see 'different' before you go back.

Right now you are in an apartment you don't like, with a flatmate you don't get along with, etc. These are all a result of decisions you made. Move into another flat or with another friend. Rent a room somewhere.

Regarding his 6 month job. Is this just a 6 month gig? Will he be coming back to your city with a steady job or might he be contracted out again? If so, the problem will continue. If he will continually have work in other cities then in order to be together, you will have to be mobile and he'll have to live in places where both of you can abode. If he'll be back and work steady in that city, then you could look for another job while you are still in this one you don't like.

But it sounds like the fundamental problem is that you don't know if he really means what he says. And since these problems have happened before, that's understandable. If so, you should tell him it's time for him to put some ACTION where his words are. Show you; in what ever way is best for you. He may not understand that you really mean it THIS time because you've taken him back before. Stand firm, give a time period for such-n-such to happen. If it doesn't. Then you know–that he cares, but doesn't care ENOUGH. And you can leave with a clear heart knowing you were fair and loved him. But he dropped the ball.

Is love really worth it? Yes, when two people work toward the same goals. When do you say 'enough is enough.' When you've made what you need and want from him clear and he doesn't come through.

Hope that helps. Good luck and blessings. . .

Answer #2

True, healthy love is worth it.

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