Does she want to be more than a friend?

Well lets see I met her 2 years ago at a B-Ball game we talked for a little then I didnt see her for a year then all of a sudden shes goes to my Highschool. I have a class with her and shes always smiling me at me and we talk on the phone and but sometimes it can be hard to get to open up and somtimes I think shes likes me but other times I dunno what do you think? and whats a good way to a girl to open up ?

Answer #1

Just think of a nice date like a concert or movie and ask her out. "I have 2 tickets to the Green Day concert on Friday, Would you like to go with me?" A girl is more likely going to say yes to you when you ask her out if you know what you are doing and already have the night planed. I say take a chance and ask her out. What do you have to lose?

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