Kids Questions

  1. soon to be husband wants to adopt my son?
  2. adopting out my baby im pregnant with
  3. Why do I want a daughter so badly?
  4. 2 girls and a baby...
  5. baby girl due sept 4
  6. ok so heres the situation
  7. How do you bond with a 4/5/6 year old boy?
  8. baby name ideas?
  9. my daughter is up to it again, she is bugging me about joining FA
  10. is it bad for almost a 3 year old to drink raw eggs. So my mom gives my bro a cup of milk and cracks an egg inside?
  11. Skelita Calaveras, now living at our house too.
  12. is it bad to give kids adult vitamins?
  13. how do I get my baby cousin to stop touching my boobs?
  14. would you tell your kids about a previous child put up for adoption?
  15. how old do you have to be to adopt a child
  16. do you think a child is ever better off not knowing there parents?
  17. how do i tell my 12 year old she is reading inappropriate things?
  18. I want to adopt what's the process I would go through?
  19. I think my son was molested
  20. why when im with my nephew he acts strange?
  21. At what age should a child start learning the alphabet and how to spell?
  22. Do u think a white\mexican and a white\asian would have cute kids?
  23. What do you think of the the name Michael Gabriel? Or Hunter Skye for a girl?
  24. Describe what feelings you would get, the night before Christmas when you where
  25. How Do i change a dirty diaper?
  26. What would you do if a 4 year old refuses to eat the lunch you prepared?
  27. What do you do if a 6 year old is building a tower with blocks and his 2 year old brother comes by and knocks it over?
  28. What is the psychological model of child abuse?
  29. Can you adopt a baby at the age of 18 in PA?
  30. Is there a specific type of therapist I should take my daughter to?
  31. Can kids drink sangrias?
  32. Do you believe a newborn child is born with certain traits or personalities or do you believe everything is taught (more)?
  33. What are your opinions/thoughts on children being transgender?
  34. Should a 5 year old be allowed to play outside unsupervised?
  35. Do you think we should go back to allowing children to be children?
  36. What can I do to keep a 2 year old girl entertained for a day?
  37. What are some tips on babysitting a 6-1/2 month old?
  38. Is adoption good?
  39. Can eight year olds watch Doctor Who?
  40. What is the best way to deal with an autistic child that uses violence when they don't get their way?
  41. Is it safe to put jarred baby food, like veggies, in a baby bottle that has milk in it?
  42. What do kids in a 4H club do?
  43. Is there a special formula for newborns under 5 pounds?
  44. What are your thoughts on putting leashes on your children when out in public?
  45. When you hear the name Riley, what comes to mind first - boy or girl?
  46. What can I say or do to stop my 12 year old daughter from wanting to look like she's 15 or 16 years old?
  47. Would you buy shoes for your kids that have a GPS in them?
  48. Is it wierd that I say spanks instead of thanks?
  49. Do any states allow minors to get pierced?
  50. Why do kids start cussing when they are, like, 12 years old?
  51. What are some ways I can help my grieving daughters sleep tonight?
  52. What kind of activities can I do with one kid while babysitting?
  53. What to bring to a babysitting job?
  54. What are some childhood habits that you brought to your teenage/adult life?
  55. What are some good activities for young children to do at the table?
  56. What is an appropriate age to leave a child/ren home alone?
  57. What's a good curfew for a 15 year old girl?
  58. What lesson, big or small, has a child taught you?
  59. What is something you always got excited over as a child?
  60. What's a love child?
  61. Can you combine these names for a baby girl name: Carmal Aurora and Juan Luis?
  62. What is an emancipated minor?
  63. What do you think are the most important factors in successfully reversing traditional gender roles concerning child care?
  64. What are some things I should bring while babysitting?
  65. Do you think it's right to read your child's diary?
  66. How many words should my 15 month old son be saying?
  67. Why do newborn babies sleep with their arms upwards by their head?
  68. how do I deal with my boyfriends parents?
  69. How can I help my (almost) 5 year old girl stop wearing diapers at night time?
  70. What should I play with my little brother and cousin?
  71. How can I help this student go to a better school when his parents don't approve?
  72. What kind of music helps a baby go to sleep at night?
  73. What is a good way to explain to a kid how dreams work?
  74. Why do younger children get up earlier?
  75. What can I expect when I take my 4-year-old cousin to have some teeth removed?
  76. How do I tell my 13 year old daughter that I know that she is not telling the truth and that she can learn from it?
  77. What could I do for my daughter's 12th birthday?
  78. Is scaring teens to improve their behavior a good idea?
  79. What is the effect of a child sleeping with their parents every night?
  80. How to find the balance between raising a boy and a girl?
  81. Can a two month old baby cut molars?
  82. How old is too old for a child to wear a diaper?
  83. How can I deal with my daughter being a picky eater?
  84. Is it okay to give Melatonin to an 8 year old child?
  85. Do you think that once children have reached a certain age they should stop eating white bread and choose a more grown up bread?
  86. How can I help my 8 year-old daughter go to sleep after having a nightmare?
  87. What's your opinion on sending your child/ren to school with a cell phone - good idea or no?
  88. What do you think of this new kind of Yoga that swings and trains 2-moth-old babies to walk?
  89. Can a four-year-old child choose who he wants to live with when their parents get divorced or it is decided by the court?
  90. How should I teach my son to be gentle to animals?
  91. How do you learn to live in a house with baby twins?
  92. Should I be worried that one of my students collects photos of accident victims?
  93. What do you think about the fact that mother's intelligence gives a 75% influence on the children's intelligence?
  94. Do you think "tiger parenting" is abusive?
  95. How old you have to be to get custody of a younger sibling in California?
  96. How can I overcome my baby jealousy?
  97. What is the cutest thing a little kid has ever said to you?
  98. Can children or toddlers sense when a women is pregnant?
  99. Should you tell people their baby is ugly?
  100. Why is it that fat babies are really heavy to carry even though they weigh less?