Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. life after death
  2. Question... For people of all Beliefs
  3. Religion
  4. How do you know whats real?
  5. The trinity?
  6. Protestant or Catholic?
  7. How can you contact a spirit?
  8. Random Church Question..
  9. what are you guys doing on this holiday?
  10. who is God and Jesus?
  11. What powers do demons have over christians.
  12. Should Real Christians could celebrate Halloween?
  13. Why do some people worship animals ?
  14. Samhain?
  15. Where in the bible it says that
  16. What is "blasphemy?"
  17. Blank spell I f0rg0t 0ne 0f the prayers!!! Please help me
  18. LDS movies?
  19. What is everybody's opinion on bad karma?
  20. What Has God done for you in your life?
  21. Know of any good documentaries?
  22. Should I contact Salt Lake about my patriarchal blessing?
  23. Will I go to hell for being gay?
  24. An atheist friend
  25. Star sign..
  26. What do you thinkk I should do?
  27. A world without religion?
  28. Jesus real jew or more
  29. Religion from unsure person
  30. Was Jesus ready?
  31. What do you feel is the purpose of life?
  32. Can I trust what I read in Witchcraft books?
  33. Do you believe GOD gives us The Desires of heart for a reason?
  34. How come I'm mixing politics with religion?
  35. what happens when you die?
  36. is a tongue piercing a sin?
  37. How was you first encounter with the Bible?
  38. how do I become a chirtian
  39. Why is Hal Lindsey still in business?
  40. DEAtH
  41. religion doesnt cause war
  42. antisemitism
  43. How can the biblical God be pure good if he created of pure evil
  44. Do you believe in karma?
  45. Do I chose the reason of reality or the possibilty of belief?
  46. Science or Christianity
  47. Favorite Bible Passage
  48. How many days till christmas?
  49. Does anyone have a spiritual relationship with leaders from Church?
  50. Boyfriend wants me to believe
  51. Scary board games
  52. Voodoo dolls
  53. God real or myth?
  54. God in the pledge..
  55. What is God?
  56. Where will Heaven and Hell be?
  57. Why dont people like gay people?
  58. 5 reasons to believe in ghosts and 5 reasons not to?
  59. Will I go to Hel*?
  60. Will there really be an apocalypse?
  61. Online Churches
  62. science versus spirituality
  63. should I quit my job?
  64. Is anyone else Wiccan?
  65. What do you think of Pagans?
  66. What are your thoughts on athiests?
  67. do you believe in GOD?
  68. Have you ever witnessed a miracle?
  69. Pscychic reader
  70. Spirits
  71. I'm in love but he doesn't believe in God
  72. Athiest and christians its time to prove to each other
  73. What if you were unforgivable?
  74. What do you think heaven is like?
  75. Dreams? Looking for this life, not a second
  76. How much does the bible and your religion matter to you?
  77. if you think something enough you can begin to believe it?
  78. Does magic or witchcraft work?
  79. Magickal help
  80. Do you believe in retribution?
  81. How does feeling guilty effect the religious aspect of things?
  82. Difference between Apocalypse and Rapture
  83. Religion and relationships..
  84. An Honor Killing?
  85. Magick symbols
  86. What its like to feel the power of a diabolic creature?
  87. Sworn to poverty?
  88. What does my horoscope mean?
  89. riddle question
  90. the catholic church "branches"
  91. How do I know which angel is in my photo?
  92. Do I have to go to church every sunday?
  93. Why can't I tell my church leader about my phone bill?
  94. does it mean any thing that my b-day is on 12-22
  95. Can someone be gay and be a christian too?
  96. Tell me everything you know about the Wicca religion?
  97. Life questions.
  98. wicca religion
  99. the Signs?
  100. what is a dream box