Do you believe in karma?

Do you believe in karma? What goes around comes around?

I do because in this life you cant expect to do bad and get away with it.

Answer #1

No. The concept of karma is as ridiculous to me as the concepts of heaven and hell. Promising rewards and punishments in the next life for what happens in this life is a means of ensuring social control.

To say, “do good and good things will happen to you” is also vague and inaccurate.

Answer #2

sometimes doing good doesnt mean youll get good… and sometimes the bad people are more lucky than the good…

life is how it is…

Answer #3

I believe it in it. But also you have to remember life happens like 80% the way you react to it. Which means if you do something nice, your usually in a good mood right? Then that will affect the rest of the day.

Answer #4

I do too :)

my dad , Faught a fire , at a camp site , out of no where , and he faught it , he did charity work , and I know now , that he’ll get his good back , cause we are moving somewhere , where he is going to make bag loads more money ,

and me , when I do something good , things work out for me , if I do something bad , everything goes wrong .

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