Tell me everything you know about the Wicca religion?

I’m really intrested in it and I believe it is were I am best suited. I asked before if it’s the right choice for me but I have now relised only I can choose that. So please list everything for me that I should know. Are there differant types of wiccans? if so what are they? rules a wiccan goes by? what to keep in your own book of shadows? thank you!

Answer #1

wicca is an earth based religion that worships the Gods and Goddess as well as the cyles of the earth and balence. ecept good and evil we believe that these are manmade concepts and dont exist in nature . wiccans do use magic but its not nessecary. wicca is a religion witchcraft is the use of magick.

We believe in no harm done meaning we do nothing magick or otherwise with the intent of harm. we also believe in the rule of 3 wich means that what ever you do ,good or bad with magick or not , comes back to you x3. this is also known as Karma. Anyone that tells you they can escape or stop the rule of 3 or karma is lying to you and theriselfs.

We dont follow any doctron like the bible but there is somethings that a good wiccan should know like: the wiccan rede, 13 goals, general belifes, charge of the god and the charge of the goddess…

we have 8 sabat a year that are intune with the cycles of the earth such as the isolces, and equnox. these focues on the God while the esabats new and or full moons, foucs on the Goddess.

We use tools like: athames or ritual knifes, wands, pentacles, ect.. to draw and direct energy. these are only tools and a representation of energy. since we as humans cant hold pure energy these along with symbols help us use energies.

there are many different types of wiccans, Traditional, eceletic, solitary, coven, traditional follow usaly in a coven strict rules such as alexandran or gardner eceletic is one that dosent follow any strict coven rules they find what works for them and incorperatet that and kinda make there own magic. a solitary works usly alone as apossed to a coven that works together.

My Book of shadows is pretty extensive form the things I mentioned to herb and incence guide, astrological calender, spells divnation tarot, runse, omens, palm reading, astronomy, expirences, writtings, dream jornal, what I call an archive sections with letters from people in my past, a news paper artical with my dad being a hero in it and a auto bio form my great great uncel. and more. its took me a long time to devlop it. it got so big I had to but it in a 100cd case and still had to put some of it into a sepret binder.

your book of shadows couls be a simple note book to a normal binder, I keep all the papers in paper protectors to preserve them

Most of all we dont worship satan or put hexes on people. we are a peacful people. anymore questions funmail me

blessed be

Answer #2

I really don’t know anything about it but wikipedia has loads of information if you want to read through it, tons! Here’s the link (you’ll have to take out the 2 spaces because links aren’t working on here for some reason) http:// /wiki/Wicca

Answer #3

I know that magic dosent exist so you cant really practice this religion…

Answer #4

wicca is the religion in which you practice magic.


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