Dreams? Looking for this life, not a second

when did you stop questioning things and give up to the worlds dream destroying team?

Answer #1

I’m close to my 6th decade, and I have never quit questioning and maintain my goals and I have achieved many of my dreams. Questioning causes you to think. You can lie down and let the world run over you if you wish. I choose not to. I made my first million, but that was salaried and I have saved, and not a millionaire, but am comfortable. I’ve seen a lot of the world paid for by my job. I now have a job that is again taking me on some unbelievable sights and I am making a difference to the people I’m working with. I raised a wonderful family and now have some beautiful grandchildren. There have certainly been times in my life when it seemed it gave me far more bubblegum than I could chew. But I worked at the issues, solved them and moved forward. Don’t quit dreaming, you are far too young to not have some tremendous dreams and desires.

Answer #2

A quote from scripture that I like is:

People without a vision (dream) perish. So, I think it is very healthy to always have something to look forward to.

Answer #3

I still question things, everyday a new challenge presents itself. Who would want to live in a world where there is nothing to learn? I have 3 small children who challenge me daily and I am so thankful for that. Life would be very uneventful if I already knew everything. If I had nothing left to learn in life then why would I need to live?

Answer #4

The question is odd, but I don’t think I have stopped questioning things, nor do I dream of a second life. That’s much too far fetched to me.

Answer #5

we never stop questioning.. if we did we’d probably be dead.. its part of humanity, its in our genes.. if we stop questioning life and theorectical possibilites, we’d be dead.. dont you theorize about what will happen before it actually does? its a part of us and it wont ever go away.. you can give up on life, but you can never stop questioning it.

Answer #6


I am truly focused and have so many dreams many that have already been realized.

Being that I am not even 30 yet, I am very fortunate, I have a successful business, and getting married to the girl who is always keeping me moving ahead and with many reasons to better myself constantly.

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