What do you think of Pagans?

I see a lot about God and Athiests. I am curious if there are any other Pagans here or if anyone else knows about my religion.

Answer #1

Yeah, I guess I am considered an 1/8 Mohican, but we don’t get anything for it because my Great Grandmother despised her tribe for turning their backs on her when she married a white man. Kind of messed up now that they accept it and all.

Answer #2

“”Pagan are people that don’t now God or how are Christain hypocyrites that say one thing and do another and say things that God that does not promise.””

umm what ok I cant read this.

melissab- thats cool. im soppost to have some Cherokee in me. Not enough to make me any sort of fraction though

Answer #3

Yes, my Grandfather’s mother came from the Mohican Indian tribe here in New England.

Answer #4

melissab- cool just wondering. descended from Indian shamans that sounds cool so like native american? I love to study that culture.

Answer #5

Thank you all for your respect.

And to jester, I am a pagan spiritualist that descended from Indian shamans. I have no idea how that works, but it is the way I am pulled to go.

Answer #6

I view paganism the same way I view all religions: based on superstition and mythology.

That being said, paganism is interesting to study because it gives insight into how ancient humans saw the world, and how religion as we know it began, I.e. concepts of gods, afterlife, prayer, etc.

Answer #7

Well, I don’t have anything against your religion. I respect it. We aren’t suposed to judge. We all have our own beliefs.

Answer #8

what sect are you or are you pagan spirituality? drud, celtic, wiccan, dont care? just wondering. glad to have you here

Answer #9

Oh I hate that definition of Pagans. It is untrue that any religion that doesn’t believe in God is pagan. That confused a lot of my friends in high school when I told them I was pagan, to them it meant I was atheist. But I am not, I do still have a set of beliefs.

Answer #10

yes im a wiccan tech. any religion that dosent believe in God and Jesus is pagan> There are many different sects to pagans

Answer #11

The definition of pagans is true, Pagan wasn’t the orignal name of the Pagan religion, it’s just what the christains called nonbelievers. I forget the orginal term for Pagan, but hye, now a days it just kind of molded into a new term to title the religion, Like the term Goth was misused & finally become the title of a subculture, it’s just the way things are.

I’m not a Pagan, I’m a witch. I’ve studied pagans(ancient roman & modern) & I know some pagans(by blood & by religion), they’re pretty kool.

Answer #12

I was raised Pagan - my dad’s a Druid, in a group and everything, and so I know quite a bit about Pagan culture. Personally, I’m more Wiccan these days but still.

Answer #13

The few pagans I know in real life are fine people. To me, religion is irrelevant unless you’re fanatical about it.

Answer #14

I know about Pagans, of course I do! im Wiccan! they are some what related.

Answer #15

Pagan are people that don’t now God or how are Christain hypocyrites that say one thing and do another and say things that God that does not promise.

Answer #16

Pagan is not a religion, it’s an umbrella term for pantheistic faiths such as WIcca, Voodoo, Orisha, Santeria, or practitioners of the craft. Though yes, there are quite a few on here I’ve noticed.

Answer #17

You are a Pagan

Answer #18

as stated to shadowwithsecretes, you are a pagan. Pagan is an umbrella term for people who practice magic. Just like Native american is an umbrella term for the different tribes like the blackfoot, seminole, etc.

Answer #19

as stated to shadowwithsecretes, you are a pagan. Pagan is an umbrella term for people who practice magic. Just like Native american is an umbrella term for the different tribes like the blackfoot, seminole, etc.

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