Boyfriend wants me to believe

My boyfriend is catholic. He is very strong or whatever with all this religion. I don’t believe in god. And he barely found out about a week ago… And it bothers him. The fact of me being atheist bothers him. He wants me to start going to church and wants me to become christian like the rest of my family. And he says if I stay atheist, he doesn’t know if him and I can work out…

He hates lying to his family. They think I am christian. They already told him they dont want him dating an atheist.

He says all god wants is one hour a week or something…

Do you believe in god? If so, why?

If not, why?

… I do want to believe… But it is so hard! There’s no proof whether god exists. And also no proof that he doesn’t exist. But I don’t know…

I don’t know what to do. :/

Answer #1

“who made earthh if god wasn’;t real?”

My god. You’re right. Clearly I’ve been a fool!

Thank you. Your words have moved me. I’m no a firm believer in the egyptian pantheon.

Answer #2

can you please elabroate on the laws in which jesus broke other than professing that he was the son of god.

Answer #3

no no arachnid its the chinese pantheon lol

Answer #4

If your boyfriend is trying to change you like that, then obvously he’s not worth wasting your time.

Answer #5

Yes I believe in God. He is what keeps me on my feet. The only thing that keeps me from doing drugs or having sex or whatever is God cause he keeps me focused. If he is forcing you into it dont do it. It needs 2 be your decision. But let me tell u: Jesus loves you! And he is amazing!

Answer #6

NO GOD ALWAYS COME’S FIRST! && am with your boyfriend I would agree with him big time!!

okayy well y would people study the bibl;e is it wasn’t real okay then how did we come to this earthh

who made earthh if god wasn’;t real?

&& if it wasn’;t for jesus we wouldn;t be here he dead for our sin!! && who bright

jesus down> GOD! so think abt it he is real!!

Answer #7

Your boyfriend can’t force you to convert to the Catholic faith just because he wants you too. He should learn to accept you for who you are not what you’re not. He has to fix the problem of liing to his family not you. You believe what you want to believe and just be yourself. Not everyone believes in god. Yet, it wouldn’t hurt to go to church with your boyfriend and see what you think. You don’t need to please him, please yourself. You do have the right to make your own decisions.

Answer #8

At first if you believe in God or not ..that’s not important right now…But.if you really loved your boyfriend & trusted Him..why couldn’t tell Him the truth at the beginning”that you are an Atehist?” That’s the problem with couples nowadays: there’s no comunication. Now that He knows & You already know He is a Roman Catholic, it will be difficult for Him knowing that you are an Atehist & that you lied to Him. And He is right about not liking to lie to His family because that is one of the problems of People : Not being honest with one another.

But I too believe in God …at one time I didn’t believed that He was real “just a creation of People” but after 5 years of a crisis that in whom nearly I killed myself a LOT of things happened to me that proved that He was/is Real. And there happened too much things to be only “coincidence”. I lost nearly all my Family & being alone completely…utterly alone isn’t funny…But I wasn’t because God guided me. When I hadn’t money , it appeared exactly when I needed…or appeared someone that I was looking for at the right moment when I though of it. Or when I was nearly thrown out of my Grandmother’s House without a penny or a job (I was loking for one but to no avail) there I found one & an apartment at the last day. I can go on & on…But if you don’t believe that God exist…I can’t do anything , but Why don’t you give it a chance & try to go to Church with Him for some time & see what happens?

But I say that there is something..”Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in something …that don’t stop it from existing if you don’t believe in it”.

If you want only…read on the New Testament: Hebrews chapter 11, John chapter 2:16-21, .

“Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”

And that is the hardest part..being certaing of what we “do not see” ..but that is Faith & Faith can move mountains.

Answer #9

You can’t believe, until you are able to believe, this is called an awakening, or the New Birth. Seek the truth.

Invite the God of the Universe… into your thinking processes.

Ask him… if he is real.

Ask him, to help you to believe.

To open your mind, to the truth.

To remove any and every deception.

The whole reason for any religion, is to truly find God.

and it is sooo much more.. than one hour per week.

God deserves so much more than that.

Can you imagine, if someone you loved… said you only required…

one hour per week?

Not trying to knock your friend, but, to show you the truth.

The God of the Universe…

deserves… your whole heart.

anything less… is not enough.

Also, not getting to know him.. is the same… as taking everyone else’s word… for the very most important thing you will ever be faced with, and that is your salvation.

You need to know for yourself…

and when you truly seek God, and his truth… you will find it.


Answer #10

Don’t believe in God for someone else. you’ll make your self miserable. If he cant accept you for who and what you are than forget him. Don’t convert if you don’t believe cause it then don’t mean anything. I hope he can accept you for who you are and doesn’t put this outdated belief before you. Its not about 1 hour a week. its about a life style you will be expected to live. Its about what you believe or don’t believe as well. Now if he could accept you for who you are and asked you to come to church with him to support him or something like that and you agreed that would be one thing. But converting just to keep him is a decision you will regret more than losing him, I think anyway. If his family cant accept you but he dose than forget his family your no going out with them. He needs to grow a pair and stand up to his family and tell them hes dating an atheist.

To answer your other question No I don’t believe in God why? cause there is no proof. Why would an onipiant being that wants us to believe in him give a unbelievable and outdated book to prove him. why would such a great being care if we believe in him, why would an all mighty God be susceptible to wrath, vengeance, jealousy ? Even if he existed why would such a horrid being be worth worship? hes committed genocide, killed as young as the womb, sexism, racism, applied all these ridicules rules. He makes people who they are then condemns them, sends people to hell-fire for the smallest thing, and more… When will he stan for his sin?

Answer #11

lmao arachid XD

“who made Earth if God wasn’t real?” Uh..hmm.. lets see, The universe was created by 2 parallel universes that created this 1, black whole mad this galaxy, to planets collided which made the as trial belt & the plannets within the astrial belt. One chunk of the plannet drifted the perfect distance from the sun & made earth & mars. Mars burnt up before earth & now earth is the only one within the galaxy(that we knwo of) that sustains life.

& no, Jesus didn’t die for out sin, he died because he was a defiant rebel who caused riots & broke the law.

Any more stupid questions?

I don’t believe in the bible, it was written by man. The bible can be disproved & has been, but the thing of God, there’s no proof denying, but then again there’s no proof supporting it. I I ever were to believe in a Go dit wouldn’t be the Bible’s. He’s malicious & heartless.

If you're boyfriend can't accept you for who you are it's not worth it.

Here’s something worth reading=>

Enjoy, & best of luck to you.

Answer #12

whitney - what makes you think you’re following the right religion? how do you know the God you’re referring to isnt Krishna, or Zeus or Hercules?

“He says all god wants is one hour a week or something…”

uhm what exactly does that mean? you can do whatever you want the rest of the time?

you cant believe if you dont… it’s a simple thing, either you believe in something or you dont… and it isnt your problem he is lying to his family, it is his… if he thinks that it is more important than you are, well you might want to think bout that… do you want to spend the rest of your life with someone who is not just forcing you to be something you’re not, but putting something as ridiculous as this before you?

I believe, sort of? I’m not too clear on the whys or whats or whatever… but I do believe, but it really comes down to faith… and if you dont have it (and there is no logical or reasonable reason you should) then that really is fine too… personally it makes more sense not believing in God than believing in God… but what can I say…

All I know is that I want love that doesnt come with conditions about who I should be…

Answer #13

God is real, his name is Jesus. God was manifest in the flesh and died on the cross for remission of our sins. You and your boyfriend should read the book of Acts especially Acts 2:38. Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus for remission of sins. Accept God’s gift of salvation and eternal life.

Answer #14

WELL, IF SOMEONE ISN’T A BELIEVER THEN IS OK …& IF I BELIEVE IN GOD I’M A “FANATIC? “…IF people think that as an offence…I’m proud to be called a fanatic because I Believe in God. :) So I was a non Believer & with what Happened to me in life I now Believe ..Is that so hard or difficult to understand?:) LOL. I answered with the information She told on Her Question about Her problem. God Bless you All. :)

Answer #15

Hi “boyfriend wants me to believe”,

Sounds like your boyfriend coming into your life is a great way to find out what you do believe. We all believe in something. Even Athiests. I’d say this is a good opportunity to explore your faith and find out what you want to believe in. Go to a church service, see how it feels. See if what the Priest says feels right for you, wrong for you, or stirs up some questions and get’s you thinking and questioning more. What’s it going to hurt?

Chris Psychotherapist

Answer #16

your boyfriend wants you to become a christian for mainly two reasons: one, b/c he isnt allowed to date athiests and two, b/c he cares a lot about you..he wants you to see that his life has changed when he became a christian..I thought of God as like nothing..BUT when I gave HIM(Christ) a chance…and had an ACTUAL taste(experience) from God, my life COMPLETELY changed!! I promise you, all you need is to believe that Jesus died for us on the Cross b/c He loves us..and accept Him in your own Heart.and your life will be filled w/happiness.

IF you have any questions, you may reach me at:


Answer #17

“At first if you believe in God or not ..that’s not important right now…But.if you really loved your boyfriend & trusted Him..why couldn’t tell Him the truth at the beginning”that you are an Atehist?””

I didn’t lie to him. I just never told him. And he happened to ask what religion I am, so I told him the truth. That I am an atheist.

I decided I’m going to try it… to go to church and see how it goes from there.

Answer #18

Wouldn’t God want someone to go to him wilingly? If you are acting as though you do, but you really dont, where is the genuine meaning in that? wont God know that you truly dont believe in him? Wont all that pretending be worth nothing in the end?

I guess what I am saying is if you don’t want to believe in God, then dont act like you do to please anyone. Go with whats in your heart. Feel what is right for you. I am not saying dont go to church or dont listen to anyone talk about God, because who knows, you way very well be attracted to what you hear.

Answer #19

This very thing just happened to me.

I was on a 3rd date with a man and we seemed to be very compatible. Many parallels in our lives and we had a lot in common. Similar interests, similar goals - THEN POOF!!!…he said “Praise the lord”.

I laughed. Oops. Not only did I laugh I was laughing hysterically at the way he said it. Another Oops. When I looked at his face and realized he was serious I shut my mouth but it was too late. It was as if he morphed into some crazy freak. I was speachless and that never happens to me. He started spewing bible verses and said “THAT’S YOUR PROBLEM, YOU DON’T READ THE BIBLE!!”

OMG. Actually I have read the bible and many other books on many other religions - pile of torturous junk if you ask me - which is why I cannot believe in god based on those things! Interesting reading but give me a break.

Regardless, I really do have respect for what others believe but I also expect the same in return. He ranted non-stop for about 10 minutes about how he saw so much in me and I JUST RUINED IT!! Told me I was GOING TO HELL and THAT was the reason I wasn’t dating anyone at the moment.

Holy Crap!! Total shock. He then asked me if he should leave. I said, you’re a grown man and you can stay or you can go…but if you stay, you need to have some respect for my beliefs. HE STORMED out of my house, flew down the street, then returned about 10 minutes later because he had forgotten his wallet. I’m bad I guess because that made me laugh too. He looked like a spoiled little boy running through my house to find his little wallet. It was so silly and I could not contain myself.

This was two days ago and I’m still wondering what the heck happened!

Jesus H. Christ.

Answer #20

I’ll keep it short and simple.

No one can force you to believe in God. God doesn’t even want to force you.

What everyone needs to understand is that God doesn’t even like “religion”. It’s so full of rules that man made up (I beleive in the Bible and that it was divinely inspired by God, but I disagree with many Catholic beliefs, like praying to saints or Mary).

God just wants a relationship with you. And you don’t have to be all stuffy about it, just talk to him like you talked to us. Ask those questions. He’s listening. He said “come as you are” and he meant it.

I hope you find what I have found.

Answer #21

I don’t because I believe in what I see–no false hopes also this leaves me more time to concentrate on MY life instead of some imaginary story (no offense anyone)

maybe you are just spiritual but not religious?

oh and if this gets in the way too much then you should move on…sorry but hey it might work out! just play it by ear for now I guess…

Answer #22

It may not be pleasant now, but I would suggest calling his bluff. If your religion (or lack thereof) is so important to him that he’s prepared to sacrifice his relationship with you over it, there are many other, better partners for you out there.

Answer #23

I don’t - I don’t have a religion because I think my life is better off without one. You cant let your boyfriend get to you or change you, he needs to learn to accept who you are. Until there is proof (the bible isn’t enough for me) then I wont believe either.

Answer #24

If the idea of becoming part of the borg for the rest of your life, faking your beliefs at every turn, and raising your children to be brainwashed into an ancient cult seems unappealing, dump him and move on.

There are plenty of great guys out there who will not judge you based on belief in fairy tales.

Answer #25

Wow There is Proof disproving the Bible? Thats got to be some pretty good evidence do you mind sharing it please ? Because if This Man named Jesus isn’t who He says He was I dont want anything to do with Him

Answer #26

God always comes first?

well then if God was so important, then why is he lying to his parents?

Isnt honor your parents one of the commandments?

how is he honoring his parents if he’s lying to them…

that’s mildly hypocritical…

Answer #27

So in review, he doesn’t accept you for who you are, lies to his parents about you, hasn’t shown interest in your beliefs, and says the relationship can’t go on unless you change.

I think it’s obvious you need to find someone else.

Answer #28

No one’s really certain if God is real or not, because there’s no way to really tell (all the religious people who say God-is-in-everything-and-you-need-to-believe, no offence to you). But if your boyfriend (or whoever, really) wants you to believe in something YOU don’t really believe in, then he has to deal with it if he wants to stay with you. You have free will, remember that.

Answer #29


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