
Ideas for the wiccan holiday samahain I’m new and I need to know what to do. I have not been initiated yet but, I have practiced magick successfully a couple of times and I need to know what to do on samhain.

Answer #1

“”First of all, Samhain is not a Wiccan holiday. Wiccans may celebrate it, but it’s not their holiday. The Wiccans didn’t come up with it, nor did they come up with any of its traditions.””

wiccans didn’t come up with it but we do practice it, YES Sanhain is a Wiccan holiday or Sabbath. Just because Wiccans didn’t come up with it doesn’t mean its any less special to us

Sanhain is the day of the dead. The time where the Vail between the living and the passed on world is lifted or thinnest. it also represents the death of the God. the Sabbaths are Representative of the God while the esabbaths are for the Goddess. each tells a story for perspective Deity. For me I use this time to contact spirits that have passed, one of the very few times in the year I use a spirit board. I also use this time to cleanse my tools for the year.’ Some Wiccans use this as a mark of the new year, while others use Yule as that is the birth of the God.

Answer #2

Thanks Jester_x and I was just wondering if there was anything special I had to do. I’ll do something like that. My Wiccan friend said make it as you will so I’ll do that. Thanks everyone.

Answer #3

underwaterophelia, I did not say that it was strictly a WICCAN holiday!!! Also, I just need to know about it. But thanks!

Answer #4

Oh & Blessed Samhain 1_~

Answer #5

First of all, Samhain is not a Wiccan holiday. Wiccans may celebrate it, but it’s not their holiday. The Wiccans didn’t come up with it, nor did they come up with any of its traditions.

You don’t have to do anything on Samhain. If you want to learn more about the sabbats, I suggest the book Sabbats by Edain McCoy.

Answer #6


Answer #7

In ancient times(& still carried over till today in some cases) the barriers between the living & non living world(or/& spirit & human, demon & human, the underworld & this world) were at their thinnest. Pumpkins were carved to scare malevolent spirits. Bonfires were lit to keep evil spirits at bay & to warm the good spirits before their journey to the underworld(since plants were rooted underground the ancients believed al life came from the underworld. When the plants withered, died, & went underground, they believed that the spirits were descending back to the underworld). They would also dress as skeletons, vampires, & other such whimsical creatures to either blend in with or scare away the spirits. Herbs were gathered around this time to decorate the house & used as decorations in the festivities of Samhain as well as to cast certain spells. During Samhain it was thought to be Pan’s(God/Spirit of the forest) birthday & the Goddess’ decent to the underworld(most commonly worship is the deity Diana). The ancients would hold certain gatherings to bid farewell to the warmth & honor the Goddess. They performed rituals to ensure that the warmth would be back the next year as well. Also(& most commonly known) it was witches’ new year.

Make a resalution, have a ritual, just have fun(& I don’t mean by doing anything stupid)

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