Will I go to Hel*?

I’m scared when I get older I’ll go to hel! I go to church on holidays FOR SURE. and off and on weekends..For high school I’m going to a catholic school but I’ve said “I swear to god I didn’t do it” when I did… lied…all thatt.. does that mean I’ll go to hel?

Answer #1

if you’re feeling guilty about something you did…then that’s a pretty good indication that you did something wrong.

apologize, repent and change your ways. then you won’t have to worry about going to hell…whether you believe there is one or not.

Answer #2

Hell is a fantasy land. It doesn’t exist. The modern Christian concept of hell is not even Biblical.

Answer #3


Answer #4

That’s nice, Polly. You’re thumping at a robot. The user who posted this question isn’t even a member anymore.

But I guess you DO need the practice.

Answer #5

Hell sounds awful and all.. with the whole burning in anguish factor.. but do you truly believe that an eternity of happiness would be anything but tragic? Can you ever truly appreciate the good, when there is never any bad?

Answer #6

no you will not go to hell because it wouldn’t make sense that if GOD is love he would torture your in hell. hell is not a burning fire, it is a word Jesus used to decribe someone’s tomb. aterall he said we are all going to hell, and if we are all going to hell, there wouldn’t be a heaven.

Answer #7

Even if hell existed, you can take solace in the fact that you’d be sharing it with some of the greatest people and the best thinkers of all time, while heaven will be full of pious zealots whose highest aspiration is to suspend their critical faculties.

Answer #8

Jesus came to offer salvation, to whosoever will. If you read the bible, it will tell you what he said, and you will not be afraid, any longer. Start with the new testament, in the first book, which is Matthew, so you can gain a clear picture of what is freely offered to you. God does not want you to worry, or be afraid, he wants you to rest in him. He give peace, which is wonderful, and assurance, and apart from actually reading his word.. you will only get bits and pieces. Also, go to John 3:16 and read it.


Answer #9

Hell isn’t real, although if you make yourself sick with guilt you’ll be in Hell before you die.

How about instead of being a bad person living in fear of Hell, be a good person so you don’t have to worry about it either way.

Answer #10

if dont believe in hell, you wont go there.

Answer #11

I don’t really believe in god but if he IS in fact real, then he should forgive you for your sins or w/e

Answer #12

theres no hell

Answer #13

It all depends on what your position is before you take your last breath - just a fact, one either accepts or rejects Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (John 3 : 16) - my hope and prayer is you’ll come to that saving knowledge but no-one else can make that decision for you…Take care !!

Answer #14

NO! I am Catholic and as a Catholic I believe you will go to Purgatory. It’s the middle step; after death, but before your after life. A place where you “pop in a video tape of your life” and watch every sin you’ve ever done. Yeah wow. That’s a humbler for you. But if you apologize (and are truly sorry & want to be better) you can get your soul washed free of sin and God will admit you to the Kingdom Of Heaven.

Answer #15

dont worry you wont go to hell, it is only there to make you think about all the right and wrong things you might do in life. Going to church is ok, also on holidays. Everybody lies, so dont worry. Just chill and keep doing what you like doing, no one can drag you down to hell.

Answer #16

Hell is fictional.

But even if it was real, don’t you think torturing someone eternally for lying is a bit excessive?

Answer #17

hell dosen’t exist dont worry

Answer #18

[“I’m scared when I get older I’ll go to hel…”]

*You should be “scared” right now…you may not make it to old age: “…behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation” [2 Corinthians 6:2].

*[“…I go to church on holidays FOR SURE and off and on weekends. For high school I’m going to a catholic school…”]

*That’s nice…but going to church and catholic school will not save you from your sins…only REPENTANCE of your sins and acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord will save you from the penalty for them in hell.

[“…but I’ve said ‘I swear to god I didn’t do it’ when I did…lied…all thatt…does that mean I’ll go to hel?”]

*You are a sinner and you will go to hell for your sins if you do not acknowledge that you are a sinner…REPENT of your sins…and accept God’s only provision for your salvation—>Jesus Christ as your SAVIOR and LORD.


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