
Christians: If someone was to prove god isn’t real, there is no heaven, no hell, blah blah blah, would you actually believe them?? I don’t mean like, just someones views, but I mean scientists doing all that stuff and proving all that crap actually isn’t real. Would you open your minds a teeny tiny bit to the possiblity of believing it? Or would you stay strong?

(if your atheist or something answer too, if someone was to prove god was real)

Just curious, and I hope I didn’t offend anyone by this ^_^

Answer #1

The atheist remark I can disagree completely with, point blank. I know a lot of atheist, they don’t even believe in science, any religion, nothing. Just what is & what is to be, the innevetable death. That’s it.

Science hasn’t proven anything of the bible. There are religious scholars out there trying to prove in the bible, they believe it to be nothing more than a metaphor now do to years of failure. All they found was Eden. The ground laced with Dinosaurs’ fossils, proving the Geneses theory WRONG. Dinosaurs’ bones are older than humans, humans did not exist when Dinosaurs’ did. Oh, they also found Atlantis, which is older than Eden, again proving the bible wrong. But hey, look at it this way, science hasn’t been able to disprove Vampires either, but do you believe in them? If not, why not? You believe in this whimsical being created from nothing yet not vampires? Even though vampires seem to have a bit more evidence going for them than the bible? Oh another thing, Jesus didn’t die on the cross, the shroud was found & it portrays signs of bleeding, dead men don’t bleed. Another, Moses didn’t lead people through the red sea it was the reed sea. Ramsey’s skull was found, his skull was bashed in with a blunt instrument. He died of being bashed up side the head, not from God, again the bible being proven wrong, another 2 times. So, what was it you were saying about the bible not being proven wrong? I believe you’re would be proven wrong.

You do realize it’s not scientist disproving the bible, it’s religious scholars & historeans. & You do realize there are different feilds of science right? The medical feilds are doing all they can & have found quite a few discoveries leading closer to the cure of cancer & discovers that help shrink current cancer in people.

“Just let people have the freedom to believe in what we want and live our lives according to the way we see fit by our standards and beliefs.”

Take your own advice sweety. people wouldn’t be so determined to disprove in the bible & such if people didn’t shoove it down their throats!

“Christianity has never hurt or killed anyone” I take it you didn’t pass history class? Over 300billion people died at the hands of Christianity. The witch burnings, crusades, slaughter of Native Americans, anti abortions dumn@$$es, lovers unable to marry do to religions(& sometimes they’ll commi suicide or need counsiling, sucks) oh, here’s a chick who died from one! It’s not a fake photo either(I thought it was do to the way it was displayed with the sny caption & such, till I was informed). Most of your prisoners ARE Christians. Need I say more?

Answer #2

I think people are just stubborn. Let them believe what they want to believe… its too hard to change their mind anyway from the looks of it. If someone were to scientifically PROVE god existed then sure, Ill believe it. I believe that there is more evidence pointing to evolution path as opposed to a god.

I suggest watching Zeitgeist. Available from p2p easy. Not an illegal download either :) My opinion is very similar to that.

Sorry in advance if I offend anyone with the following.

“Religion has actually convinced people that theres an invisible man, living in the sky, who watches everything you do, of every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list, of 10 things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these 10 things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever, until the end of time” “But he loves you. He loves you.” “He loves you and he needs money! He always needs money!” “He’s all powerful, all perfect, all knowing and all wise, somehow, just can’t handle money!” It goes on like this.

So yeah with that kind of view in mind I do believe science is closer to the truth that religion. To me religion is a money making scam. Also take note of what has caused more wars than anything else… yup, religion. Not even money tops it.

On the contrary, many people do need something to believe in, something to have faith by. But still, with all that, I believe religion is still a myth.

Answer #3

Most peoples’ belief in god is phrased so as to be deliberately impossible to disprove. You can’t disprove the existence of most gods, because part of their supposed powers is to be invisible from all observation.

Convenient, huh?

Answer #4

“NO WAY!!! Everyone beileves in something even atheasit, they beileve in science.”

First, atheism doesn’t imply belief in anything, including science.

Second, there’s a difference between faith and knowledge. We don’t have faith in science, science is the process of figuring out what’s true and what’s not based on repeatable experiments.

“Anyway, science tries to prove all the time that the bible is just another historical record book, but each time they try and dispute it’s end result they are always left holding no answers.”

“Science” doesn’t try to do any such thing. Individual historians may, and thre’s certainly no evidence that the bible is anything but a book. Generally historians don’t set out to ‘disprove the bible’, but instead to find out more about its origins and why and when it was written.

“Science needs to take all the energy they put into trying to disprove the bible and find a cure for cancer or something useful.”

Sure. I’ll tell all those historians that they should stop researching the ancient world and start working on cancer cures. I’m sure they’ll do brilliantly.

“Christianity has never hurt or killed anyone.”

Oh, where to begin, where to begin?

The crusades. Witch hunts. Salem. The KKK. Violent anti-abortion nuts. Violent anti-homosexuality nuts. Repression of womens’ rights. The list goes on and on.

Answer #5

Well… a being with the ability to create a universe, or a planet, or life for that matter… AND has the ability to destroy all its creations with a mere thought; is a GOD to us. Would you not agree? That’s some pretty unfathomable power that we cannot stand against. Regardless if its a magical, spiritual, or physical entity. I’m sure SOMEONE would try to stop him, so he’d have to demonstrate his power at some point.

Of course, if the same entity revealed itself to us; two scenarios come to mind.


All the religious hierarchs start spouting scripture from their preferred book, in attempt to ‘communicate’ with the being, to which the being responds: ‘’I didn’t write that sh*t, YOU did. I’m an alien being from another dimension. And this universe is actually an ant-farm on my desk.’’

[Scenario #2]

The entity reveals himself (in Olde English) to be the God of the Christian faith. And that the Bible was HIS infallible word. To which I would respond: ‘’So… were you stoned? Or have you never heard of proof-reading?’’ He’d respond by sending me straight to Hell, where upon my arrival, Satan would hi-five me, and say: ‘’Dude, that was pretty f*cking funny. Did you bring a resume? I’ve got a job offer for you…’’

Answer #6

Here’s the problem with that scenario:

You cannot have FAITH (belief without knowing) in God, and simultaneously KNOW he exists. According to God, faith is a requirement, and there is no point in Christianity without it. The same goes for ALL monotheistic practices. The purpose for practicing, is to be rewarded in the afterlife, for your FAITH.

Which is why NOBODY can prove God exists. Think of an ant farm, do you think the ants contained within, posess the relative cognative ability to realize they’re in a glass case on some 11 year old’s desk? NO. Their world exists within those walls; and anything beyond that ant farm physically… is beyond those ants… intellectually. Which is why humans cannot prove or disprove the existence of God. The concept is quite literally (and intellectually)… beyond us.

And if God IS the perfect being, like some people believe, and he is incapable of error, like some people believe; then God made it IMPOSSIBLE for humans to prove he exists, to secure that FAITH concept mentioned earlier.

Simple: it all comes down to this - if the believer dies and there’s nothing more, they’re just dead like everyone else blah blah thumpity blah

WRONG. Once again, you left out other religions and other gods; and once again, your opinion is worthless.

Answer #7

NO WAY!!! Everyone beileves in something even atheasit, they beileve in science. I will stand by what I truly beileve in my heart, I would rather be right than wrong on this one. Anyway, science tries to prove all the time that the bible is just another historical record book, but each time they try and dispute it’s end result they are always left holding no answers. I would rather put my faith and trust into someone who has never let me down even after knowing my deepest darkest sins. Science needs to take all the energy they put into trying to disprove the bible and find a cure for cancer or something useful. Disproving the bible or religion is just a waste of time to me, it would do no good to anyone. Just let people have the freedom to beileve in what we want and live our lives according to the way we see fit by our standards and beilefes. Christianity has never hurt or killed anyone.

Answer #8

“Jesus knocks on the door of a persons heart only so many times, then He knocks, no more”

—so he only forgives you for so long…and then he’s done? that seems like the trait of MAN…not the savior. what happened to “turn the other cheek” and forgiveness?!? do you really think that nonbelievers will be sent straight to hell?

Answer #9

silverwings, your saying it’s not possible for evolution, or anything to be scientifically correct but it’s possible for a man to come from no where & create everything from nothing, create pure evil & be pure good, be all knowing yet has to “test” us? Is it just me or is something seriously wrong here???

Answer #10

however, I picture God being more like charlton heston—a commanding voice with a subtle kindness to it…and classic good-looking features.

…then being attacked by monkeys, and fighting them off with his rifle?

now, quit swearing, naughty!! ;-)

Heyyy… It wasn’t ME… it was the alien and the devil.

Answer #11


I was referring to comment made by punkrocker4ever, I know ally_xo was implying a what if scenario… I was just pointing out the way they define God, makes it impossible to disprove it… if there was a way, well a lot of them dont believe in evolution and that disproves their creationism theory…

Answer #12

Well said Amblessed. Well said.

I have said this before,

I would rather die a believer and realize Gods not real than die a non-believer to find out that He is.

I do not, however, hate on other religions, discriminate on other beliefs or haze the believers. Everyone is entitled to believe what they would like. No one should try to destroy that.

Answer #13

Let’s start by you spelling God with a capital G. Anyway I think that would be so stupid to actually sit down and figure out in the first place how you can work out ways to convince humans there is no God. Why not prove seven days don’t make a week first?

Answer #14

“PROVING all that crap actually isn’t real”

how do you prove the non-existence of God? By God’s very nature, God is beyond science… You can prove some things in the bible (fill in any holy book here) are false, but that doesnt disprove God…

Then again you cant disprove unicorns, or santa claus…

Answer #15

ok…ok…please take that pic off…I get the point you’re making…but that’s really morbid.

Answer #16

I doubt they would change “the bible is proof”rolls eyes

If they were to actually prove in God & such I’ld believe, but not the bible for the bible was written by men.

Answer #17

captainassassin: Which raises the question: How would you know it was actually god, and not some outrageously powerful being masquerading as one? And if it was sufficiently powerful, would there be any difference?

Answer #18

Tough question that honestly I dont think that I could answer honestly. Think about it, how often do people admit they were wrong?

Answer #19

Since amblessed can never answer this question, I’ll ask YOU, lanternoflight…

Pascal’s Wager ignores a very obvious THIRD possible outcome: What if you believe in the WRONG god?

Answer #20

I’m sure people can’t “Prove” god is real, or not real. I’m agnostic, So therefore I’m open.

Ty, What’s your stand on this? I see you getting very defensive there.

Answer #21

“they HAVE discovered that we have something in us that goes far beyond evolution”

oh do tell, what is this thing that goes beyond evolution?

Answer #22

8oh it was just mild sarcasm… I dont like it when people claim they have science backing up their ridiculous theories… *


She was implying a ‘…what if?’ scenario…

Answer #23

Simple: it all comes down to this - if the believer dies and there’s nothing more, they’re just dead like everyone else - if a non-believer dies and there’s an eternity (forever), there is no larger mistake they could have made in their life in choosing to reject - that mistake, never ending - Jesus knocks on the door of a persons heart only so many times, then He knocks, no more - I don’t know how anyone with their eyes (physical and otherwise) open could look around, look at their life, and deny God.

Answer #24

The only way to prove God exists, is for God to prove it himself. And when I say this, I do NOT mean through ‘people’ …that’s lame. He’d have to do it DIRECTLY. Appear before us and speak to each of us DIRECTLY and personally. That should be easy for him… he’s GOD.


…and for ME, he’d have to appear as Morgan Freeman playing ‘Azeem’ from “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves’’ …because that’s how I think he should look. Only without the big sword. Yeah, that would be a little intimidating. Hmm… or maybe the way he dressed in “Bruce Almighty’’ …mehhh, either one will do… Or maybe he should be a SHE; appear as Big Momma from ‘Sorcerer Hunters’ …crap… now I don’t know…

You know what God… SUPRISE ME.

Answer #25

I would beleive it even if the world all the sudden vanished “ which would never happen” were completely NOTHING witout GOD! He is true, I’ve seen it proved! I’m not going against anyone! But I know what I know! he’s there for me always. He’s never left me, and has stood by my side, Things just don’t all the sudden get better, ITS GOD!!! I beleive that there is a heaven and hell but he loves us all sooo much! It’s our choice if we want to serve him or not! I’m a true beleiver no matter what happens I’m standing up for SAYING THAT GOD IS REAL! nothing can change my mind!

I’m 14!

Answer #26

k I will

Answer #27

If you could provide real evidence that God exist and thew bible is true I would have no choise but to believe. However if it was the God of the bible I wouldn’t wworship him for all the horrable things hes done in the bible alone. I don’t believe cause theres no evidence to prove he is real

I hate to say it but I think there are a lot of christians that would never not believe no matter how much evidence there was to disprove God

Answer #28

I think organised relgion is bollacks but I understand that some people need to have that hope and also moral guidance. Although religion causes a lot of hate it’s something our society needs. I think without the promise of heaven and hell people would just go insane. Some people need to believe that they are here for a purpose and that when times get rough they have some great force looking after them.

&& I think science is unreliable as relgion, they used to believe the earth was flat. I doubt they would ever be able to disprove god anyway.

Answer #29

people have been saying we evolved from the apes just because of the many similarities of our bodies and actions. however, they HAVE discovered that we have something in us that goes far beyond evolution. so, if someone proved that there is no God (which is SO NOT true), I’d still believe. even though I don’t know all the answers (no one does) doesn’t mean we can’t believe.

Answer #30


Answer #31

“Ty, What’s your stand on this? I see you getting very defensive there. “

oh it was just mild sarcasm… I dont like it when people claim they have science backing up their ridiculous theories…

and I think anyone who claims to know the truth (beyond a doubt) is supremely arrogant… so in answer to your question, I dont think it is possible to KNOW either way… If you want to know if I believe in God (or at least some form of a God) then yes, however, I realize it is faith based on absolutely nothing and odds are probably that I’m wrong and am simply talking to myself, but I hold the right to believe whatever I want…

Answer #32

If someone proved some god was real, then of course I would believe it. My disbelief results from an abject lack of any kind of evidence for any deities, combined with my knowledge of the history of how god ideas developed from ancient astronomy.

Would I grovel around worshipping a god if it was proved real? It’s hard to imagine any real god would even desire such primitive behavior. A being that created a grand and rational universe is unliklely to be an emotional infant needing constant praise. My 6 year old is more mature than the depiction of gods most theists present.

Answer #33

PSALMS 83:18…

from what I learned and grew up in there is no hell there is no heaven.. well atleast no heaven that we will go to…why you ask? bc god loves every single one of us and he is very forgiving.. he is our creater..he WOULDNT make us live in a world of fire as we burn and are tormented or whatever that is most defenitly NOT a way to show us the love the bible says he has for us and that he has shown to us..and if everyone went to heaven… where would we all freakin fit?! like seriously.. think about it.

Answer #34


Answer #35

I would, however, it look slike some one already did it for me.

Answer #36

…I’ve nver seen planet of the apes…if that’s what you’re refering to!!

Answer #37

I’ve seen it proved!

No… you haven’t…

I’m 14!

Oop… that explains it…

Answer #38

It’s just not possible.. so, my answer is no.

Answer #39

I agree with elane22

Answer #40


Answer #41


the morgan freeman of robin hood prince of theives is 80 million times better than the morgan freeman of bruce almighty!!! no contest.

however, I picture God being more like charlton heston—a commanding voice with a subtle kindness to it…and classic good-looking features.

now, quit swearing, naughty!! ;-)

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