How come I'm mixing politics with religion?

How come I’m mixing politics with religion? I’m christian and living Mormon Life but, lately, I’ve been mixing politics with Mormonism together. Is that normal? What are your thoughts on this?

Answer #1

Any person, religious or not should be interested in politics - decisions made in that arena affect their individual lives, families lives, the lives of their children and grandchildren ! - a person should choose a candidate most nearly aligned with their values.

Answer #2

If a person is religious, it is important that he/she find out what each candidate stands for, and vote accordingly. According to biblical values. And you pretty much have to know the bible, to know what it actually teaches.

In other words, on one issue alone, abortion. The bible is very clear, about this. It says that God hates the hands that shed innocent blood. Is there anything more innocent that an unborn baby? Nothing that I am aware of. A baby in the womb, is completely innocent… completely trusting, and completely vunerable.

The bible also tells us to defend the ones that cannot defend themselves…

We all know that a baby in the womb… cannot take care of itself. It has to have someone to defend it, and to keep it safe. This job is up to us. God considers it an honor, to be able to have a child, he values that child, highly. It is very important to him, he loves that baby.

If his word says that he actually hates… those hands that shed innocent blood… What part of that, , do you not understand ?

So, if a candidate stands for and supports abortion, how in your right mind, can you possibly vote for him/her, if you profess to know Christ as your Savior?

And this is just one issue…

The bible addresses every aspect of life.

It is our responsiblity to know what the word says… and to obey it.

Jesus said.. If you love me… You will obey my commandments…

That is crystal clear, one would have to be blind, deaf and dumb to miss that.

and if we deliberately disobey his will, that is so very clear, where does that leave us, in his eyes?

And when he says very clearly that it is an abomination for a man to lay with a man, or for a woman to lay with a woman…

and we vote for someone who supports the homosexual union…

Where does that leave us…in Gods eyes?

Answer #3

yeah…when it comes to politics you should be looking for someone that you think will best represent your values, ideas, and beliefs.

so..what do you mean exactly by “mixing politics with mormonism”? I’m not exactly sure.

Answer #4

It’s normal, but it’s also dangerous.

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