Will there really be an apocalypse?

I was on wiki.answers.com asking silly questions once and (out of curiosity) I typed in “when will the world end?”. The answers that came up mostly said that the world will end on december 21st 2012. When I read that, I almost freaked because it’s not that long away from that date. But what freaks me out the most is because it mentioned the bible, and a lot of people believe in the bible and what it says. I’d like to ask everyone who reads this, what do you think? If the world really is going to end, what do you think will happen? And how?

Answer #1

The word of God tells us that God the Father, is the only one who knows the exact time, of the end. So… this can’t be true, otherwise, the bible wouldn’t be true…which it is.

It also tells us to know the times… which we are all being alerted to, and to be ready.

If we live lives that are pleasing to God, and have accepted his sacrifice for sin, (his Son, Jesus Christ ) we have nothing to fear. We have the right to call on him continually, we have his abiding presence within us, (the Holy Spirit) and we have his word as a guide. He does not want us to be unprepared, for whatever takes place.

Calamities are all around, but, if our heart is stayed upon him, his spirit is living within us, and his word is planted inside us, and we are obedient to it, all is well.

The parable of the man who built his house on the rock… speaks of this preparation.. the man who built on the sand, was washed away, when the storms came, but, the man who built on the rock ( representative of Christ, his teachings, and his spirit , which cannot be moved ) was steadfast.

Fear is not of God. Faith is.

Peace… & Blessings…

Answer #2

The topic of the date of December 21 , 2012 came from the theories that a group of investigators read from the Prophecies of the Mayan Civilization :THE MAYAN PROPHECIES & because is were the most ancient Calendar on the Planet still working, ends. Since the 1990’s that date has beeen around & more ..where those texts began to appear from the decade of the 1970’s…were people began to be interested on Metaphysical studies. And if we count Nostradamus Prophecies,too from the 1515 aproximately…He had visions of the future & a great number of them had come true. The prophecies from the Egypcian piramyds: The Orion Prophecy.

But there had been a great number of Prophecies about the end of the world since the dawn of time…and the Apocalypse of the Book of Reveations of Saint John…nearly all those Prophecies about the end arwe told on a cryptic language…it can be that what they see about the future..those of an ancient time tells it with the language of their time when they see things they can’t understand of a “future time”. But in the Bible on the Gospel of Mark chapter 13 when speaking on the Mount of Olives about the End…this part is very important : “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son but only the Father (God)” No one exept God knows where will Jesus comes & the End will take place…& if you see how Humanity had used all their knowledge & power to destoy Nature , to think only on themselves without thinking on the damage done to the Earth & to our natural resources..the delicate natiral balance had been changed ,even on Tropical climates had changed to be colder…faster changes than it used to happen..slowly without Humanities hand…& with the deforestation…well. Nothing lasts forever..but we are going to a rollercoaster ride nonstop to destroy ourselves. I think it will hapen if we continue this way. And if they are Prophecies on any single Ancient Civilization about it…isn’t weird that nearly all talk about the decline of Humanity? That we start to think of ourselves as Gods & we want to trample all..& we will end destroying ourselves in the end with more devastating wars & the ending of natural resources. ;)

And if those are the signs of the Bible, More devastating wars than before..& a lot of People & the such…yes I believe it will happen.

Answer #3

Don’t worry about anything. Its an incredible improbability. I could go carve “the world will end tomorrow” into some stone somewhere, would you believe that?

Answer #4

amblessed, the authors of the New Testament expected Jesus would return within their lifetime.

Answer #5

Under the related questions, to the right of the screen, you can see some have asked. There have been many predictions on when the world will end. So far, none were right. I wouldn’t worry about this.

Answer #6

the 12 21 2012 is only when the Mayan calender changes over. Just like our centuries do. that’s it. no end of the world, no Apocalypse. Exactly here in the bible does it say the world ends on that date? It says no one will know when it is. besides I wouldn’t believe the bible anyway. others will say look around us with natural disasters and corrupt politics, the economy its all a sign of the end. the thing is this stuff has been happening since before jesus. We live in a time where something on the other side of the world can happen and we can know about it in 10 minutes. Its more prevalent and in our face not more frequent. Simply put there is no end of the world, no Revelation.

Answer #7

People have been talking about the end of the world for thousands of years, and it hasn’t happened yet, because it’s all a bunch of BS. The best way to fill the collection plate is to scare people into thinking they’re almost out of time. It’s the same scam used car salesmen use. “Hurry! This offer won’t last!!!”

By the way, 12-21-2012 is NOT mentioned in the Bible.

Answer #8

the world will end eventually, but thats only because the earth will get too close to the sun, or it will fall out of orbit and hit another planet. its all about the position of the earth. the earth moves about 3 inches the wrong way each year…and the next planet is millions of miles away…so I think we’ll be okay for a while. not in our lifetimes, at least.

Answer #9

seriuosly, try www.exitmundi.nl

Answer #10

Where is that verse in the Bible ?

According to God’s Word, the Bible, Planet Earth will never “end” in the sense of being forever done away with. It will, however, be radically reshaped by God’s creative fire into a planet, or world, much different than it is presently.

Jesus’ disciples asked him in the Olivet discourse to tell them when the end of the world would come. Actually, they asked: when will be the end oft he age? The question involved the end of human history as it had been known to that point. That age about which they questioned the Lord is still going on in our time.

Jesus answered by giving a list of prophetic signs that will precede His Second Coming. Christ indicated that the world, as it was then known, and is now known, would end when He returned. Revelation tells us that Jesus ‘Millennial Kingdom will be the next “earth age.”

It will last 1000 years, after which time the Great White Throne judgment will take place, where all lost people of all ages will be judged and sentenced to eternity apart from God. Hell is their final place of residence, from which there will be no escape.

Planet Earth will then be remade into something more glorious than can be imagined or described by the human mind, this side of Heaven.Peter, the apostle, through Divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, gives us just a glimpse of Earth’s ultimate destiny:

“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnedup. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner ofp ersons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a newearth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.”(2 Peter 3: 10-13) God’s Word promises:

“One generation passes away, and another generation comes; But the earthabides forever.” (Ecclesiastes 1:4)

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