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Random Church Question..
Another random thought.. Are woman preachers too? Like, are they allowed? Cause all the churches I went to/ know has a dude preachin’. Idunno, random thought.
Yes as a child the church I grew up in had a woman pastor and she is still there. Some religions beileve that is taboo but I beileve anyone can stand and preach the word of GOD as long as they have unlimited knowledge of the bible and their heart is where it should be
Yes, both my pastor and his wife are pastors… well of course he is if he is my pastor. Anyway, I know plenty Spirit Filled pastors who are women. But then again other sects don’t allow it.
a few churches allow female pastors but most don’t dew to the sexest views of teh christians
Most Christian denominations frown on the idea of women as pastors, but a few are open to the idea, especially Mennonites and Quakers.
Some are.
I think if GOD calls them to the ministry there just as equal!
The Anglican church is currently undergoing a schism in part over the issue of allowing women pastors.
I can think of one… Pastor Melissa Scott.
Jesus said, there are neither male nor female, but, all are one.. in him.
he only sees a born again believer.. man sees male or female.
he is interested in our spirit and not our gender.
I think if GOD calls them to the ministry there just as equal!
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