Science or Christianity

I know about the endless polemyc about science or religion, but not everytime science had been wrong like on the case of Galileo Galilei about the Helyocentric theory (about the Sun been the center of the Universe)First proposed by Nicholas Copernicus, Galileo was 100% right… now History had proved Him right.

I love science & History a lot & I do have a telescope…I read a lot from science & new discoveries when I can.

This question is mainly to Christians first…but non Christians if they want can answer too.

Do any of you Christians belive that science is wrong bacause it doesn’t go with the exactly hand on hand with the Scriptures & if God can use science, too to make Himself be known although what some scientist what they would like is to prove the contrary?

Answer #1

science is based on fact, repeatable, empirical fact. with science you research, theorize, experiment, conclude

Christanity is based on belief, with Christianity the conclusion is in the bible, than facts are twisted or made up to mach it with no actual proof

“”But it Science couldn’t gave us a Soul…or can’t create the perfect machine that is the Human body “”

But the soul is a belief not a fact. Yes I’m aware that someone put people dying on a scale to weigh the soul and found its 23 grams, first I would be skeptical about that, pulse that could be dew to muscle tension and then relaxation so not proof.

The human body is not perfect. it can break, stop, become deformed, get sick. Yes the human body is a pretty amazing thing, but its not proof of God.

“” if God can use science, too to make Himself be known although what some scientist what they would like is to prove the contrary?””

first why would an all powerful God need to prove himself through science? If he existed and wanted us to believe than why no just show himself to take all the BS out of it?

secondly, science isn’t about disproving God, Its about finding the truth with repeatable undeniable fact, the fact that God cant seem to stand up to that dose not mean science is trying to disprove God. If God stood up to the facts than science would agree with God.

Answer #2

I do not believe that anyone, anywhere at any time, in any way, shape, form or fashion, will ever be able to prove the bible wrong. “”

to be honset YES

Answer #3

If the person doing the scientific work, is true.. completely true… and only goes by fact… science will only lead people to God, not from him.

You say that as if God is factual… which is incorrect.

Answer #4

“What I belive yes science had been of help for Humans & yes it had brough so much suffering too more than help”

Really? You think we’d be better off living in the middle ages, with an average life expectancy in the 20s? Without any modern conveniences, especially the one you used to post your message?

Answer #5

People talk about science as if it was a thing out there somewhere. Science is nothing more than disciplined reason combined with observation and curiosity.

To dis’ science is to argue in favor of irrationality. Of course, that’s what faith is, so I suppose that’s to be expected from religious types.

Answer #6

Also, science has given us literally everything you see around you. Religion, well…

Answer #7

Comparing Biblical scripture to science is absurd because the Bible is not a scientific text, nor was it ever meant to be. Most of the Bible is allegory, metaphor, and symbolism; even the ancients knew that.

People who interpret every word of the Bible literally have a critical thinking problem.

Answer #8

To me, science is the study of what is… how things work.. etc.

If the person doing the scientific work, is true.. completely true… and only goes by fact… science will only lead people to God, not from him.

the problem comes when theory is introduced…as fact.

I do not believe that anyone, anywhere at any time, in any way, shape, form or fashion, will ever be able to prove the bible wrong.

I believe rather, that everything thing that comes forth, that is true.. will prove it to be right.

Answer #9

“But it Science couln’t gave us a Soul”

Nor can you prove we actually have one in the first place. Indeed, we’re getting better and better understandings of how the human mind functions without any need to resort to a ‘soul’.

“or can’t create the perfect machine that is the Human body”

Nope, evolution did that. I’m confident that eventually (if we don’t wipe ourselves out first), we’ll be able to, though.

“Specially the Soul is the most precious…that when you die the body even weigh less than the minutes before dying (or before the departure of the Soul)..& science can say where it goes?”

First you’ll have to demonstrate that it exists. And there’s no way the human body gets lighter when it dies. That’s nonsense.

Answer #10

Instances where science has been wrong have had to do with a lack of data, and in no way validates any religious animosity towards science. Galileo was right (even though he was persecuted by the church at the time) because he had more accurate data. Copernicus was wrong because he lacked the data. Religion had nothing to do with it.

Science and religion should be mutually exclusive, unless you are delusional enough to believe in creationism and deny evolution.

Answer #11

Yep and I’m a “religious type:) “ I wanted to see what people thought of science in contrast with Christianity..but with what I have seen so far..what would I expect with people now…they want to have the power in teir hands & to believe gods themselves…but I have Faith that people understand someday:) What I belive yes science had been of help for Humans & yes it had brough so much suffering too more than help..of course the people is to blame but with new discoveries thay always think of money first & war is their noney making mchine. The Church of course had their hand with that too spreading Jesus message the wrong way…wanting power too…but is good that with all that the real message had been brough from the ages into the present…if is still here since 2,000 years is that something good had been done and that it was meant to come to us…(and I don’t talk about suff like the Da Vinci code…been already some years on New Age and nearly every religion or philosophy..and I don’t believe on those..only on Christianity I believe). God bless all.:)

Answer #12

‘Science and religion should be mutually exclusive, unless you are delusional enough to believe in creationism and deny evolution.’

mildly ethnocentric… I know the question was refering to christianity, but you made it a blanket on all religions… not all religious belief is based on the christian idea of creationism…

Answer #13

“” At least with God there is an absolute”” Thats the problem

Just because science cant explain something right now dosen’t mean science has failed. It just menas there is more room for discovery. Yes science changes dew to new information. I would trust that rather than something that dismisses new discoveries to protect their old believed.

Answer #14

Today people put to much knowledge and not enough wisdom into science.

That can be said about religion also… only its lacking in both knowledge AND wisdom. Though, the word ‘wisdom’ seems to have suffered a demotion on BOTH sides.

Answer #15

I say…Yes, Science had given us literally everything we have around us…good & bad ..and equally religion hasn’t worked the way it should thanks to some people (the same goes with science). But it Science couln’t gave us a Soul…or can’t create the perfect machine that is the Human body (even with the so called ‘cloning’ that some are experimating with )or the most complicated part of it :The brain. or create a Star… but Specially the Soul is the most precious…that when you die the body even weigh less than the minutes before dying (or before the departure of the Soul)..& science can say where it goes?


Answer #16

Well, I choose to believe in intelligent design. Having questioned myself and others on the subject there just seems to be more weight to it over evolutionary concepts. Science would say that we came out of nothing but gases etc over millions of years but where did those gases come from? How were they created? Someone, at some point had to have created the molecules that made up the gases and subsequent life forms, planets etc. I just can’t wrap my head around that theory as it poses more questions than answers. At least with God there is an absolute. Science and the existence of God go together.

Answer #17

“I don’t thinks its wrong I just don’t think its 100% right like they make it out to be.”

That’s a common misconception. Science works because it constantly assumes it’s wrong. The advancement of science is all about people questioning theories, finding holes, and coming up with new, better theories. We treat something as accurate only when it’s stood up to the concerted attacks of the best minds in the scientific community. It’s the only way to get a good representation of how the world works.

Answer #18

“or can’t create the perfect machine that is the Human body”

The human body is FAR from perfect… you use that term way too casually…

“Specially the Soul is the most precious…that when you die the body even weigh less than the minutes before dying (or before the departure of the Soul)..& science can say where it goes?”

Riiight… something that’s explained BY religion as being intangible, having no substance, mass, etc. can suddenly have physical weight …nice b.s.

Answer #19

Amen! You really spoke with true wisdom, matt18091. Science nowadays is like “ a toy on a 4 years old baby “ We need to use or to have more wisdom before gain more knowledge..because that is very dangerous , knowledge without wisdom.

Answer #20

“Also, science has given us literally everything you see around you. Religion, well…”

Yeah…but…religion is responsible for all the crucifixes I see around me!

Oh, nope…wait a minute. The architectural concepts used to build most of those came from science too. Damn you!!!

Answer #21

I don’t thinks its wrong I just don’t think its 100% right like they make it out to be. Today people put to much knowledge and not enough wisdom into science.

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