Protestant or Catholic?

Would you be Protestant or Catholic Roman? and with you answer explain why.

For me I am Protestant (Orthodox Presbyterian) cause when I learned bout the things the Catholic Church did & the things it created that aren’t in theBible…well that’s why.

Answer #1

There are differences but on the only subject that really matters they are united - Jesus Christ is Lord and the only way to Heaven - Salvation - not good works, giving to charity, it’s accepting God’s free gift of Salvation through Jesus - Catholic church retains more ceremonial rites/practices generally then other Christian church’s…hope this helps !!

Answer #2

It suppose to be like that (Christians no matter what denomination) but as I was raised Catholic and after I found about the other sacraments created by the Catholisism and the 93 thesis wrote by Martin Luther on Württemberg (about what the Catholic Church did / one of these being the ‘Sale of Indulgences’ ) ..well & more things , I couldn’t ignore all that. But I always like to make friends from other different denominations, I visit other Churches if invited as I invite to mine ,too, other friends. but when other Churches (no Catholic) use to call Apostles some of their leaders (that is a contradiction of the Bible,too) because to be an apostle you would need to have been physicaly with Jesus 2,000 years ago (or with the case of Paul /originaly called Saul ) Appeared to Him too on the road to Damascus. 1 Corinthias 15:8 it says about how He was the last Apostle (the “least”=small/ & “last”=final of the Apostles/ and in Spanish as I’m using a Billingual Bible;…it said exactly “last=último” (“…Y al último de todos, como a un abortivo me apareció a mi”.) Nowadays people use so freely the name ‘Apostle’ without understanding it & the connotations that goes with it. as final Apostle, there’s no one more to be Apostle after him).

Or other Churches is song all the service..looks like a show; and nearly nothing of preaching the Scriptures…there needs to be balance on song(praise) & studying the Scriptures as they (the Scriptures) are the nucleus of our Faith & the way to know God.

Answer #3

The Bible I believe was written with Divine inspiration. The new Testament was created by the witnesses of the History Chronicled there, or by their close students, & the Catholic Church is yes, the Church of Paul the Apostle as it was Him who preached to the Gentiles & traduced the scriptures to Greek. And if what you were saying was about a “conspirancy” (on the Council of Nicaea) of the Catholic Church I have read bout that topic & even I had the Gnostic Gospels.. I don’t believe on a Conspirancy. They were more Gospels but some were found to be fakes written by other authors using the names of the apostles, and were even too far away from the years of Jesus dead & so far away from the years when the New Testament was written (after the apostles years of life).

Answer #4

Actually it is my belief that we.. the believers.. are to be as one.

All the diff. denominations… are confusing…

I consider myself as a born again child of God, with no other labels.

When we get to heaven.. there will be no.. denominations… there.

We will all be one… the way he intended from the beginning…

Answer #5

* when I learned bout the things the Catholic Church did & the things it created that aren’t in theBible…well that’s why.

You do realize it was the Catholic Church that created what we call the New Testament, don’t you? That idea that the Bible is a complete revelation of god, would have been considered heresy at the foundation of Christianity when the Bible was compiled.

Answer #6

For that same reason I don’t like when people refer to Christianity as a religion.

Answer #7

Im Catholic. Partly because I was raised Catholic but I have been to other Christian churches and for the most part they make me a little bit uncomfortable. I feel really judged by the people there. At my church, everyone is really friendly without being at all pushy. As for Catholics creating things that are not in the bible, the bible is open to interpretation to a certain extent and I have had people from other Christian denominations tell me things which were not actually in the bible either. Also, it was written a while ago so it doesnt always cover every situation specifically.

Answer #8

im catholic, but no longer believe in religion

Answer #9

Oh, I get it. Only Christians, no matter the denomination, count.

Answer #10

If it isn’t in the bible …it isn’t about God… I am a Christian ..neither Catholic or Protestant…If you wanted a name for it …it would be Methodist…but more charismatic…

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