the catholic church "branches"

why are there so many different kinds of 1 religion? there is roman catholic greek orthidox prespiterian christian why are there so many different kinds? please mind my spelling

Answer #1

0k this is kinda c0nfusing ust bare with me l0l well Jesus spread the w0rd 0f christ 2 the 12 ap0stles they were each t0ld 2 g0 t0 certain parts 0f the w0rld and say what Jesus t0ld them. But as they went 0n the w0rd 0f Jesus changed each time it was t0ld…s0 the religi0ns are based 0n what they heard fr0m each Ap0stle. But m0st are very very similar just a tid bit different… h0pe this helped if it didnt funmail me!!! :D -darien

Answer #2

darien, do you just come up with this stuff, or has someone actually taught you this nonsense? you might want to actually learn the history of christianity to learn how the different branches formed, it was mostly because people disagreed…

Answer #3

LOL arachnid…I was just wondering the same thing!!!


Answer #4

darien: Is your ‘o’ key broken, or do you just go out of your way to make it difficult to read your post?

Answer #5

They are the results of different fractions of the Catholic Church breaking off…ie Martin Luther broke away in Germany in the 1500’s…The Episcipalians (Anglicans) broke off in England.

There even was a time when there were TWO popes…they each excommunicted each other…so what does say??? :)


Answer #6

The catholic church branches are similar enough so that you could reach salvation through following any branch. This is at least what I hope, I’m not sure though. As long as it has the Bible, you’re good to go! Don’t hesitate to read it once it a while. Don’t open a random part; you can either start at the beginning and take that route or start with specific verses that apply to your personal life. (I’m Christian-Baptist)

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