Where will Heaven and Hell be?

When Jesus comes back, and all is said and done, where exactly will Heaven and Hell be?

Answer #1

hey hey you two…no kissy faces on here! hah jk guys lol

Answer #2

look in islam: heaven and hell are in the sky and all the peole will go to one of them according to their treatments 2 others and doing their duties HOPE I HELPED

Answer #3

jesusismysavior– :) thats sweet and I do like that, I would be interested to hear that story if you wanted to. funmail it to me if you would like

Answer #4

No you asked a question then didnt want to hear everyones answer

Answer #5

The Bible tells us that the wicked will be destroyed in the Lake of Fire and since God will destroy the earth (before He makes the New Earth) along with the stars and moon, I’d guess that hell will happen when the wicked get judged.

As for heaven, right now it’s where the angels and God live; somewhere up there, but after the earth is made new again, God will bring us back to earth and He will live here with us and our world will be heaven.

Answer #6

Well, people in ancient times believed that heaven was up in the sky, while hell was beneath the surface of the earth. Modern science has proven these theories wrong. If you still want to continue believing in heaven and hell, your only choice is to accept that nobody who believes in them knows where they are, or even what they are supposed to be.

Answer #7

Heaven - a jelly bean factory Hell - New Jersey haha

Answer #8

it will be in never ever land

Answer #9

Very presumptuous sirpsycho and jester. I NEVER advocated any religion, nor did I claim servitude to any god. I simply asked a question gentelman. So, come out of that offensive position of yours, would you? Furthermore, your use of sarcasm is not “suggestive critisism”. It is only your means of upsetting those of us who learned something in kindergarten and think before we speak.

Answer #10

“”but you should be open to suggestive criticizm

If you feel so strongly about your religion you should have some evidence to back it up””

absolutly agree. you posted this in a froum where you know there are those that dont believe in heavan and hell then ask our opinion. well my opnion is that they dont exist as the christin religion sees them.

Answer #11

Heaven, is just the sky. That’s the meaning of the word as used in the Bible. Hell, is just the grave. That’s the meaning of that word as used in the Bible.

The concept of heaven and hell as some other dimensional worlds where you go when you die, is less than 1000 years old.

Answer #12


please do not tell me that God or Heaven and Hell don’t/won’t exist. So if you plan on doing that, don’t answer at all, please. Thank you.

Answer #13

I NEVER advocated any religion, nor did I claim servitude to any god. When Jesus comes back does kind of suggest that you believe in my lord and savior Jesus Christ. anyway though, people are entitled to their beliefs try not to be offended or offend anyone as we both know that many are called but few are chosen, everyone will not believe as of yet. God is a Spirit and so are we, this here body is what the spirit posses with that said, Heaven and Hell are spiritual places, so of course you cant see it or take a space ship there. And even though Jester X insists that God and Satan do not believe, (he might not like this but) I have taken a liking to him. Maybe its because at one time I did not believe either. but anyway that is another story.

Answer #14

Hell is a holding place, for the angels that sinned, and for man that refuses to repent and receive the salvation that God offers, most people believe that hell is in the center of the earth, and that heaven is beyond the stars.

The New Jerusalem, is being prepared for the ones who believe in God, and are redeemed thru the blood of Jesus Christ, it will be on this earth, after it is renovated…by fire.

After the judgement, death and hell, will both be cast into the lake of fire, along with the beast and the false prophet, and Satan.

Everything will once again, be brand new, this time, without sin.

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