LDS movies?

Are there any LDS movies besides Work and the Glory? I’ve been looking for LDS movies for quite some time. If you know of any good LDS movies, let me know. I know Work and the Glory is a real good movie.

Answer #1

I have joined netflix. They have a wonderful variety. Let me name a few: The Hometeachers (oh my that one is our family favorite) The other side of heaven Saturdays Warrior ( I haven’t seen yet) Singles Ward (another funny one) The RM Baptists at the BBQ The Book of Mormon movie Mormon Battalion (haven’t seen yet) Brigham Young (haven’t seen yet) Money or mission American Mormon (a docudrama — it was Okay) Suits on the Loose

Those are what I was able to find just in Netflix— let me know if your interested in joining because I could get a free rental and you could get a month free.

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