Do you believe in retribution?

Hello. Do you believe in retribution? I personally believe in it. Whenever someone does something which I dont like or hurt me, I’ll tell myself that there will be retribution. How about you guys?

Answer #1

yes, there is a divine law, Gods law, that reserves retribution.. to God.

He is a just God, he sees, hears, and knows all the details, and he is the only one competent to judge. And his word says he does and he will.

However, it is his desire that whosoever will, may come to him, and be saved. This often times comes when things get really bad in a persons life, when they are on the bottom so to speak, then and only then, can they really look up to God and call out to him, to forgive them, and raise them from the pit of despair and destruction that they have (dug for themselves ) or fallen into.

The bad, leads us to the good.

I think that God draws back his protection, long enough to allow us to come to our senses, and when we call out to him, he can and will come to help us, if our attitudes are right.

He teaches us to walk in forgiveness… because this is his way. He does not delight in punishment of any kind,however, consequences for our behavior always follow .

He can and will forgive us for our sins, when we turn to him, but, he does not remove the consequences.

so, we are to leave it up to God, when someone does us wrong, not take matters into our own hands. Trust him to work it out, be willing to forgive. This frees us up to follow him, and to pursue his spirit.

Answer #2

“I think that God draws back his protection, long enough to allow us to come to our senses, and when we call out to him, he can and will come to help us, if our attitudes are right. “

If a human being did something like this to another, we would say he was playing perverse mind games. But since God does it, I guess it’s OK.

Answer #3

No. There is no over-arching, universal law of ethics or divine justice which rewards good behavior and punishes bad behavior. There is simply cause and effect, action and reaction.

Answer #4

well yes most of the time it comes in many forms for example if a criminal never gets caught then youd say retribution was never served but the moral pain and stress must be incredible its like that story “the tell tale heart”

Answer #5

religion is good… All loving fathers, discipline their children, they teach them and train them, in the way that they should go, this is Gods instruction also, so, if he instructs human fathers to discipline their children… Please tell me why he would not discipline his own???

In fact, he uses very strong language, to say that someone who is not discliplined… is a bastard… and not a son.

Answer #6

Yes I used to feel like you do, in a very violent and sadistic manner, but it is very damaging to you, to anyone, to indulge in such practices. When people do wrong to others it will return to them, just maybe not from you, but it will return and sometimes tenfold. Take comfort in that and also some responsibility, when people do us wrong, its usually because we have let them. Dont get sucked in to anger and vengeance, these things will lead you to your demise and will only reward you with the same retribution you speak of inflicting on others

Answer #7

What goes around…comes around.

Answer #8

its called karma

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