Love & Relationships Questions

  1. who is involved in a domestic discipline relationship?
  2. How do you deal with a depressed boyfriend in the army?
  3. Why do people get so attached to others?
  4. How many chances should you give someone if they keep hurting you?
  5. why do fall in and out of love so fast?
  6. Do you think you will spend forever (or close to it) with the person you're with now?
  7. what are your SELF CONFESSED fetishes?
  8. Do you find spanking or being spanked erotic?
  9. what do you do if your girlfriend caught you smoking weed?
  10. Who has been on Zoosk dating?
  11. do you think this sounds crazy?
  13. Is it bad 2 have a 3some with you're boyfriend and his brother?
  14. What do I do if I want to get back with my ex but my family disaprove?
  15. why is it that people we loved so much tend to hate so mush............why?
  16. does it make you shallow to dump someone for their wieght?
  17. What kind of body language attracts a women to a man and vice-versa?
  18. Do guys generally run away from girls?
  19. is it true that 50% of all 1st marriges, 67& of 2nd marriages and 74% of all 3rd marriages end in divorce?
  20. how can i be more flirty this year?
  21. What common traits are important for a long-lasting successful relationship?
  22. why isnt my hunny excited or showing any positive feed back during my pregnancy?
  23. How can I help some who is close to me and has almost been rapped?
  24. What do parents usually want to know when they meet your boyfriend for the first time?
  25. What is a good way to tell people your sorry for hurting them?
  26. Why do I do if my bf got another girl pregnant?
  27. Should I send this guy a pic or not?
  28. how do you get noticed by girls at a football game?
  29. How can i get over my ex boyfriend ????
  30. how can i avoid my worst enemy?
  31. What would you do in this situation?
  32. Why is she like, stealing from me ?
  33. How can I get a hold of my boyfriend in the army?
  34. what going to happen to me when my bf gos to the navy?
  35. What do GUYS think when girls love fishing??
  36. Can U Fall In "Love" In 3 Weeks And It Really Be Real Love ?
  37. is my 15 year old sister engaged to a 25 year old man?
  38. What can i do to be more fun to be with?
  39. How often should I visit my high school boyfriend at school since I'm in college now?
  40. Why is it that when you have to pee REALLY BADLY when you're sitting down, when you stand up you don't have to that badly anymore?
  41. Does anyone think hooking up with manager is a bad idea?
  42. What on earth am I going to do now?
  43. When a guy blames his gf for everything even when its clearly his fault is that a sign of mental abuse?
  44. What do I do when my friends believe something they heard from someone else about me?
  45. What makes someone a cougar?
  46. How rare is it to be married at nineteen happily?
  47. How can I tell my friend that I talk to his brother without him getting mad??
  48. How to be more confident and beautiful in front of a guy?
  49. How should I approach this situation?
  50. How do I know if he's trying to tell me something or not?
  51. Why is it bad to like your cousin?
  52. How would you feel if someone close to you didn't tell you that they had a serious illness?
  53. How do I keep trusting my bf while he's away?
  54. Why can't I be in love more than 10 days?
  55. Is a boy horny for you if he blushes and starts pushing his tongue in and out?
  56. Should i break up with my girlfriend after two years because i am going to college?
  57. What do you think of public affection?
  58. What do i do about my boyfriend?
  59. How can i go on a date with a guy with parents who always want you to have a chaperone?
  60. How do i get her to stop?
  61. When do you step up to defend your GF verbally and when is it just teasing?
  62. How Do You Survive When Your Best Friend In The World Goes To Jail??
  63. How hard is it to live with friends (at a young age)?
  64. Why am I sixteen and attracted to a thirteen year old guy?
  65. How do i deal with this?
  66. would you tell on a friend if you knew she did something very bad?
  67. when making love is it ever normal for your lips to become cold?
  68. Why do people say that pre-cum has more sperm that when the guy actually cums, is it true?
  69. why is it that when i ask why do you love me, his answer is idk, is that a keep or what?
  70. How can i get a guy 2 like me?
  71. Why do some people take EVERYONE else's problems on themselves. what good does that do them?
  72. How does it work when two girls get married for last names?
  73. what's the hardest lesson you've leared on love (bf/gf, family, or friend)?
  74. What do you think about marriage at 19?
  75. Why does he make me shake and almost cry ?
  76. what does a woman do that makes you think she has a lot of confidence??
  77. Why do people find it okay to go behind someones back to talk to an ex?
  78. is it true that if the guy was ontop the baby will be a girl?
  79. how do i make a move without coming out too slutty or desperate ?
  80. What does a tattoo mean with three lines, like an equals sign but with another line underneath and each line is a little longer? Thanks.
  81. what do I do if I like my friends ex nd he likes me but he also likes my friend still and they have been off and on for a while?
  82. How do I get a guy to want me back?
  83. How do I know if my "1st love" (he wasn't necessarily my bf) is going behind my back to mess with my cousin??
  84. what are some good idea's for a perfect weekend with your man ?
  85. how can I get my friend to stop hanging around a girl whos mean and a very bad influence?
  86. What would be the best ingriedients to make "swaggajuice" ? Lol, dont ask.
  87. How can i assure my boyfriend not to worry about me when i go to the beach?
  88. how do you break up with a girl, who is attach to you like paint on the wall, ?
  89. How did you meet your partner/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend etc?
  90. How do you get yourself through a loss of your loved one?
  91. How can i stop being paranoid and go to the bathroom?
  92. How is it legal for my friends husband to do this?
  93. Do Guys Like Flexible Girls?
  94. has a government ever lasted longer than it's race?
  95. How did you propose to your partner or how did you get proposed to?
  96. What do the girls on here think about fantasizing about someone else while you're with someone else?
  97. Would a relationship work if a person and another person lived far apart like overseas or far away from each other?
  98. Why does it seem like every single time something good happens to me it is ruined?
  99. Is my boyfriend just trying to marry me for a greencard?
  100. What to do when my best-friend in the whole world hates my baby daddy ?