Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Why is my ex dating my double?
  2. What if I just feel so alone?
  3. Am I a user or am I innocent?
  4. How do I make the first move with my girlfriend?
  5. How to I stop the urge to cheat on my husband?
  6. Should I or should I not kiss the guy I like?
  7. Does he still love her?
  8. Cant figure him out does he like me or not
  9. Betrayed at work by husband?
  10. How do I tell my boyfriend he has bad breath?
  11. How do I deal with my hurt feelings after losing two boyfriends?
  12. Why does he only give me attention when nobody is looking?
  13. How can I make him jealous?
  14. Friend turns into Bride from Hell
  15. What do I do with a friend if I'm only using her for her money?
  16. Still Virgins & havent even had a first kiss!!! Help
  17. I Like Him But Dont Know If He Likes Me Back. Please Help.
  18. I need advice... On asking a women for their name and number..
  19. Interested in his ex , or not?
  20. What is love really worth? And when do you say "enough is en
  21. What if two guys like me but I like someone else?
  22. Should I have an extramarital affair?
  23. What do I do if I fear my husband will cheat on me?
  24. How do I make him understand that it hurts me when he looks at other girls?
  25. How do I know if I love him back?
  26. How do I break it off without breaking his heart?
  27. Should I turn a friend into a life long partner?
  28. Does he like me or am I going crazy?
  29. What do I do if he loves both me and her?
  30. How do I win him back?
  31. Why did I break up with him?
  32. Do I want a divorce?
  33. Can my husband be trusted?
  34. Is he so incognito about cheating on me?
  35. How do I talk to this chick I like?
  36. Can you help me out with this girl I like?
  37. How can I tell him how I feel about him?
  38. Am I feeling love or wanting security?
  39. Have I done something terrible by letting him go?
  40. Why does he make me feel like a beast instead of a beauty?
  41. Does my guy friend like me?
  42. Should I dump him or not?
  43. Should I pursue my love for the boy next door?
  44. Should I take back the guy who dumped me?
  45. How do I meet a great guy and start something?
  46. Should we stay best friends or chance it for more?
  47. How do I deal with my strong feelings for my cousin?
  48. How do you know when you are in love?
  49. Should I take my ex back?
  50. Should I date my best friend?
  51. What should I say to get him to stay?
  52. How do I get a boy to love me?
  53. How do I know if he's using me?
  54. Can anyone offer advice for a soon-to-be ex-coastguard housewife?
  55. Should I have an affair?
  56. How can I get him to say he loves me?
  57. What should I do to get my ex-boyfriend's attention?
  58. How do I choose between two guys that I love?
  59. How should I deal with my ex who is being rude to me?
  60. Is it OK for a girl to ask a guy to marry her?
  61. Should I cross the boundaries between love and friendship?
  62. How to spice up a marriage?
  63. Should I get involved with a man who is in a relationship?
  64. Should I break up with my boyfriend?
  65. What do I do about this pregnancy?
  66. What do I do if I still love my ex-girlfriend?
  67. How can we cope with our families not wanting us together?
  68. What can I do about my boyfriend moving away?
  69. Should I end this relationship?
  70. Should I cheat on my wife?