How can i get over my ex boyfriend ????

I haven’t been with my ex boyfriend now for over 3 years but i still think about him all the time !! i have been with my current partner for about 3 years and we have already got a child and 1 on the way but i cant stop thinkin about my ex !! Last nite i had several dreams about him n when i woke up i didn’t want the 2 end…. What can i do ??? Please help ….

Answer #1

The most effective way, in my opinion and experience, would be to talk to him one last time and tell him what you feel. This may not be the perfect solution for you, but it seems like you have a lot left to say. Once you get that closure you’ll be able to get over him a bit faster. If you feel uncomfortable contacting him now, try writing your emotions in a journal or something. Putting it on paper has a way of clearing the mind. Let me know how it goes.

P.S. Congrats on the baby!

Answer #2

Thank u ! I think the reason y i cant get over him is because he treated me so much better than my current partner…. And i was so happy when we was together ! ?? Me n my current parter don’t have the best relationship goin and 2 b honest i doubt wether i still have feelings for him sometimes ! Alot of my friends and a few family members dont want me 2 b with him because of the way he treats me… 2 b honest i just feel as tho im in a dead end relationship !!

Answer #3

get out there and meet new people, not the ones that remind you of him. Keeping busy is the key, its when you sit around alone when your mind starts to race with unwanted thoughts. limit contact with him, at least till yor over the hard time. It will be a matter of time where you will just get over it. But to be honest, Its been years and things remind me of my ex, and old memories come back. But time always heals.

Answer #4

I’d say either decide to just take a break, and find yourself again. Or, try to find someone new. Finding someone new is normally what helps me. Not that I rush into anything, but, making a new guy friend keeps your mind off of things and allows you to feel less lonely.

Answer #5

First, you’ve got to make a CONCIOUS decision to let him go. This has been over for 3 years…you have a baby and one on the way. How fair is hanging on to him…. to your children, and your new man??

I’m sure there were things you do NOT miss about him, tho after 3 years those things have faded in your mind. See if you can remember those things and make a written list in order to remind yourself that those things would still be causing problems….and you’d probably be miserable because of them.


Answer #6

spend time with friends and family, have fun, change up your look, take up a new hobby, do things that you love to do, try and meet new people and with time you will feel better. that is my advice and it has always worked for me :)

Answer #7

Firstly re-think why you broke up let out all your feeling for him if your gonna make friends or not .. then go out and make new friends.

Answer #8

Find things to keep you occupied. (networking/hobbies)

Answer #9

go out with friends and have fun… dnt think about him

Answer #10

go out with friends and have fun… dnt think about him

Answer #11

go out with friends and have fun… dnt think about him

Answer #12

eat tubs of icecream til you feel sick and that should do the trick

Answer #13

Keep yourself busy and meet new friends. I hope this link could help you to find friends or guys who will treat you right. [link removed]

Answer #14

Get in a good cry and realize there are so many more exciting people you will meet and u will fall in love again but harder. No need to stress over ANYONE if they wont stress over you.

Answer #15

yes time always heals all pain but for the time being your gonna av 2 stay strong no one said it would be easy but keeping busy and goin out with friends will help and try not to do anythin what reminds you off him its time to get yourself on track and soon when the pains over you will meet someone else i know you cant think of that right now but we all go through it sometime in are life. so goodluck i know its hard but u will get thru it i promise

Answer #16

The above answer is very correct for you so please follow it.You will soon get over it.

Answer #17

well what i did was just slowly like stop thinkin bout him an start to talk to differant boys an once you really like one youll start to forget bout uf bf if that dnt work maybe try an get back with him?

Answer #18

well what i did was just slowly like stop thinkin bout him an start to talk to differant boys an once you really like one youll start to forget bout uf bf if that dnt work maybe try an get back with him?

Answer #19

Honestly , The way I got over my boyfriend ( my first love) is he kept rejecting even being my friend , and if you’re ex isnt doing that … then another thing i did was just stay away from him, give you’re brain a brake , and stop giving yourself soo much stress. It will be hard, i garentee it, stay strong and keep your chin up :)

Answer #20

Honestly , The way I got over my boyfriend ( my first love) is he kept rejecting even being my friend , and if you’re ex isnt doing that … then another thing i did was just stay away from him, give you’re brain a brake , and stop giving yourself soo much stress. It will be hard, i garentee it, stay strong and keep your chin up :)

Answer #21

Stop being a wussy!

Answer #22

Well dear, you have to ask yourself how long do you intend on feeling this way without doing anything about it… And the answer to that will be forever if you do not get closure. Everyone is saying the same thing and it is the most important part for you is to move on, you have to sit down with him and ask him what went wrong. I lost my husband to another women and i was so mad at her that i forgot to be mad at him. All i could think about was her,her, her and why was she so much better than me. I wanted to beat her up! Its not her fault, its all on his shoulders for putting you through this mess and he should have enough guts and dignity to tell you the truth and look you in the eyes and tell you that he is not “in love” with you and the reason why he left. Why is that so hard for guys to say.. If he cant tell you the truth than he is not worth the clothes he wears. Closure is everything, and you need to do it for your own unfinished business, he may think its closed on his end, but not you, and you need to confront him and lay it all out on the table. Start taking his stuff down, thats what I did and it helped cleanse me, trust me you do not want to look at his clothes everyday and think oh my, I wonder what shirt he would of wore today if he was home. Hes not worth it, and he will do it to you again and again. You want that to happen for the rest of your life, not me and I didn’t let it happen. I packed up all his clothes and items that reminded me of him and I called him to pick it up and thats when I got closure. I didnt let him leave until I was satisified that I knew the true reason why he left me, it was hard, but i needed it for myself. It wasnt fair to my new boyfriend when I still had no closure from my husband, once I had closure I started to move on with my life and my bf and never looked back and I am so thankful that I met someone that I can trust, respect, and love, dont every let those ones slip through your fingers. He was so understanding and he gave me the space i needed, it took me about a month to flush my heartache down the toilet once I had closure, but before that it lasted about 8 months as I was just spinning in circles. I have been with him now for 5 years and I am so blessed, he is my angel and I adore him and he treats me like I should be treated. Dont let your ex have the upperhand especially when they treat you like dirt, you take that torch and you run with it dear as fast as you can and get the answers you so well deserve. Get yourself out of the emotional wreck you are in and move on. Its tough, but it all starts with closure my friend. Stay strong…

Answer #23

well, if your new guy treats you like crap then pull the plug. you deserve to meet someone that truly cares for you and loves you and will be there for you no matter what, its love dear and the good ones are hard to find, but they are out there, trust me. You will meet the right guy when you least expect it

Answer #24

i lovee this response.. stay strong

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