How do i deal with this?

My boyfriend’s mom found out he fingered me and i cant get rid of this horrible feeling since it happened and her knowing about it makes it 10000x worse. Please tell me I’m not the only one this has happened to!

Answer #1

Shrug your shoulders and don’t care for this.

Teenagers are bound to be sexual. The mum was your age once to you know.

Answer #2

just dont worry about it, i mean it is normal, and she can think what she wants, there nothing you can do about it… just have fun && dont stress about her… but be careful lmao

Answer #3

Well, it’s normal to feel a little guilty. But it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Yes, it may be embarrassing that she knows, but just get over it. I doubt she will hold it over your head for the rest of your life. It’s really no big deal.

Answer #4

Normal to feel guilty. If his mom hasn’t said anything, she’s probably letting it blow off cause she probably went through that same thing when she was your age, shouldn’t be anything to worry about.

Answer #5

Thank you all (: this really does help to know i shouldnt worry about it to much.

Answer #6

Well first of all how in gods name did she find out unless she either saw it happen or someone told her! If I were you I would get to the bttm of things. Like not have sexual contact with him while at their house or have the person that told her apologize & promise to keep their mouth shut about your business!

Its one thing to have your business being told around to friends…but when it being told to the guys parents…either it was done deliberately to hurt you or it was done deliberately to make them think less of you & ruin any kind of hope for your future with him! (been there & got treated like that by my ex-husbands family…especially his mother & grandfather!)

hope this helped!

Answer #7

Oh no nothing like that. I made the mistake of talking to him about it over text messageing the same exact day she started to read his messages. one of those FML days

Answer #8

oh, ok my bad… wow, I just noticed you were 14… no wonder why she was poking around his phone. :(

It will pass…and if she makes faces at you then tell him to talk to her about that…you shouldn’t be mistreated by anyone, no matter what age you are or what you may have done.

Answer #9

His mother is not an idiot–she knows that these things are going to happen with her son and girls. My son is 14 and starting high school this year. I expect a girlfriend or two to hang around and at some point, they are going to be getting intimate. If his mom is not yelling at you and preventing you guys from seeing each other, then she is probably just going to accept it.

You may go up to her and explain that you know she found out about you and her son getting intimate and that you’re embarrassed about it. Hearing her tell you what she thinks and putting it out there may kill the weirdness.

Answer #10

Hey, at least it wasn’t something else.. like.. sex.

Answer #11

Seriously though….you are waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too young to be going to third base! Wise up here, sweetie.

Answer #12

im 14 and trust me people younger than me have gone a lot father its just the secret life of an american teenager

Answer #13

Hey I’m 14, and if my boyfriends mum found out something like that then I’d be pretty embarrassed too,( although I have nothing to hide LOL ) just show her the polite and cute side of you :) xxx

Answer #14

I have to agree with ttmac2014. What she has done was nothing. And it’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s normal to experiment. But just try not to get caught like this again. (:

Answer #15

my mom walk in when my ex going down on it happens . just have to move on.

Answer #16

ive been caught doing things twiccee by my mother. and it is probably one of the most embarassing things. if your situtation is anything like my situation, you just have to try to act normal around her. it shouldnt take too long.

Answer #17

ive been caught doing things twiccee by my mother. and it is probably one of the most embarassing things. if your situtation is anything like my situation, you just have to try to act normal around her. it shouldnt take too long.

Answer #18


Answer #19

yah im 14 and i have been i mean teenagers r ment to be sexual not saying that kids under 17 should have sex but some things like that dont do harm and it keeps you contained

Answer #20

yah im 14 and i have been i mean teenagers r ment to be sexual not saying that kids under 17 should have sex but some things like that dont do harm and it keeps you contained

Answer #21

At least that is all she caught you doing. I agree with you I would feel just slightly horrified, in your position. But you really do need to act as normal as possible around her and I wouldn’t bring it up unless she does. Chances are she wants to forget it as well. I know that my dad doesn’t want to know anything about my sex life and the less I know about his the better.

Answer #22

Just go up to his mum and explain how you feel and negociate about how you and her she forget it but don’t be to insisting.Just say “I know you know what i got up to and i just want to say i feel awkward since my sex life is personnal.Can we please just forget it ,most teens have been up to something like this.

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