Why do people say that pre-cum has more sperm that when the guy actually cums, is it true?

Does the pre-cum actually have more sperm in it than when he actually cums? Are girls more likely to get pregnant from pre-cum that regular cum?

Answer #1

Its a complete myth. Pre-c.um itself contains absolutely no sperm. The only time sperm comes out with pre-cu.m is if the guy has came before this time and has not urinated in between ejac.ulations. So say he jerks off or has sex and then does it again without peeing first - sperm that was still lingering in his pen!s canals will come out with his pre-c.um the second time.

Answer #2

This is NOT true — “pre-c.um” can, and likely DOES contain some sperm. You CAN possibly get pregnant from pre-cum alone.

Pre-cum doesn’t (unless something is really wrong) have more sperm, usually there’s very little, almost none unless the person has just recently ejac.ulated and there was some left over from before. We’re talking during the same short time you’re together left over, not yesterday.

Sperm doesn’t live long once it’s been ejac.ulated. In the case of he did that, and then some time passed, and he didn’t pee, and then he gets off again, that timing has to be really short. BUT — like anything to do with unprotected sex… NEVER say NEVER!

Just keep in mind that “pre-cum” CAN get you pregnant — It’s not sprem-free…all it takes is a single sperm to get thru, and it’s done. As unlikely as it seems — it has happened…

Answer #3

Oh — and the other part of your question — while the chances of getting pregnant from pre-cum are really low — “regular cum” is where the chances really are….

In either case — it’s just a single sperm that’s needed to make you pregnant… regardless of if it got to you from pre-cum, or a full orgasm of cum.

Answer #4

im sorry but im studying biology and pre cum some times contain sperm even in the first time according to how that guy is sexually active and according to his hormons

Answer #5


Answer #6

Pre Cum does contain sperm, not 100% but always contains a small amout off sperm in it. The person above obviously doesn’t know what she is talking about. But pre cum contains a lot less sperm than cum it’s self

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