what are some good idea's for a perfect weekend with your man ?

we have plans to go away and go out to dinner how can i make it better when we get home after tea ?

Answer #1

I always like a night in, just with a film and some snacks, where you can cuddle up together(:

Answer #2

go to the park and have a pick nick lol yea kinda cliche and cheessey or whatever but its fun and depending on how his personnality is, he will think it is sweet

Answer #3

hehe we do tend to do that alot :)

Answer #4

well when he comes home have something sexy on and have some good music on you two have enjoyed together and maybe a movie layed out to watch in your room with some candles lit but i doubt u two will be watching a movie by that time and just lay around watch movies talk and reminace on the moments you two have had

Answer #5

relax at a beach..stay the weekend nites away from homeā€¦go out to dinner another nite like somethin romantic but fun ..make love every nite wit candles..and for a sunday nitte a nice soak in the hot tub wit rose peddlez

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