What to do when my best-friend in the whole world hates my baby daddy ?

Answer #1

Call him the father of your child instead of that…?

Answer #2

Talk to her, you need to find out the reason behind why she dislikes him, she could just be mad that he got you pregnant, she could resent that hes sort of taking you away from her, or most friends notice bad traits about our significat others that we dont because love has a tendancy to make us blind to peoples faults for a while.

Answer #3

Agreed :)

Answer #4

I have to agree with Mandyloo on this one…there must be a reason behind it & of she wont flat out explain why she hates him then you have to expect it to be serious & get to the root of the problem by discussing it as 2 friends, not over the phone or email but face to face!

Good luck, I hope everything works out for you & your friend. ♥

Answer #5

there are alot of resons she might not like him because she may think he ruined your life or there may be a big past behind it that u dont no like he may have got another girl prego and left or may break alot of hearts you need to talk to her theres no way ull no if u dont ask and tlk to him about it to

Answer #6

NO he never I’m the first

Answer #7

You’re fourteen(or so your profile says) maybe that’s why ? It IS a little young

Answer #8

Yeah i know it young it was supposed to happened but it did i know I’m to young to be a mother and i pray to god I’m not

Answer #9

i meant not supposed to happen

Answer #10

Is it really THAT problematic? Ignore it. She doesn’t need to “not” hate him. She’s your best friend in the whole world, not your “baby daddy’s.” I hope I had anything constructive to say. Hopefully people here will help?


Answer #11

she might hate him because you have said something.. i know that when im angry at my partner i may say ill things about him to my friends. if i do it enough they would end up hating him.

Answer #12

I completely agree. I do NOT like the term “baby daddy” at all.

Answer #13

A lot of guys will say that you’re their first just to get in your pants. Jade Aryanna Morgan-Jones is right. Your friend may know something you dont.

Answer #14

Jade Aryanna Morgan-Jones and Mandyloo are both right. You need to talk to her. Your friend may know something that you dont.

Answer #15

Like…GAAH. It annoys me. It sounds kinna trashy.

Answer #16

It does to me too. I cant stand it what-so-ever. That is one thing that really gets under my skin.

Answer #17

no i didn’t mean his first to have sleep with i meant to have got pregnant i know he’s sleep with a lot of other girls he lost he virginity in 4th grade ! !

Answer #18

Ding Ding Ding Girl…I dnt know how old this boy is. But losing his virginity in the 4th grade sounds pathetic and not so real at all. For all you know he could have got another girl pregnant and just havent told you. And prolly will not ever tell you unless you one day run into a girl that he did get pregnant. Your friend prolly has a very good reason behind why she doesnt like him. The smart thing would be to ask both of them what the problem is. She prolly knows something about him that you dont or sees something in him that you do not see. Funmail me and we can talk this out more. Maybe you can tell me more by funmail then you can here. I will try my best to help you.

Answer #19

tell her to get over it or him..

Answer #20

i like it =] lol

Answer #21

its the opposite for me. lol. my babys dad hates my best friend. and he always tells me i have to choose him or her. i just deal with it. neither of them is worth giving up. and neither of them want to lose me so they have to deal with each other for me!

Answer #22

i completely agree, its kinda of offensive to, like calling the father of your baby, “yo baby daddy”, you sound like one of those slutty trashy girls off of jerry springer and maury.

Answer #23

baby daddie? thats what u call the father of ur child?

Answer #24

O lord,girl PLEASEEEE don’t NOT use that word ‘baby Daddy’.It makes you sound ignorant,try Father or dad,but not that. -_-

Answer #25

GOD I hate that word!

Answer #26

Well…firstly..she might just be a concerned friend who doesn’t think he’s going to be a good role model or partner for you/your baby. Often friends see the side of those we choose to be with simply because they aren’t blinded by the ‘in love’ feeling that sometimes overtakes all. If she’s a good friend usually they’ll whether it out for you or they’ll step off. The friends who get on our case the worst are usually the ones who care the most.

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