Should i break up with my girlfriend after two years because i am going to college?

she is a year younger then me and i am happy with her. i do love her a lot we have good times together. My family though wants me to break up because they don’t want me to be anchored at all and wants me to enjoy college. They dont want me to take high school to college. She will be a senior when im a freshman. What do i do? i love her but i am confused of what to do because family comes first. please help me with advice. thanks

Answer #1

If you still love her and you don’t want to break up then don’t do it. You can still enjoy college and be in a relationship with her at the same time. Don’t let your family decide what’s best for you. Only you know what’s best

Answer #2

i do still love her a lot lik my feelings havent changed for her. my family comes first tho n its affecting them me being with her. im far away from her to idk wut to do

Answer #3

I don’t believe in family coming first. I believe in your needs and happiness coming first. And how the hell can your happiness be affecting them? If you still love her and she loves you then really what’s stopping you?

Answer #4

true that…you have to go with your heart, head & intuition… If your family cant respect you or your happiness what is that saying to you about their dedication towards your needs or wants for that matter?!

Answer #5

if yuhh guys really love eachother yuhh shuld stay together.

Answer #6

She’s right. Relationships are very personal, so everyone will give you a personal answer, none of which may be what YOU would do. Everyone looks at things differently, and no one knows what kind of relationship you have better than you do. All I can tell you here is that you’ve got people to provide moral support and make suggestions, but you’ve got to decide on your own.

Answer #7

I dont think you should break up with her, dont force yourself apart. Do what your doing and what will be will be :)

Answer #8

its very reasonable with what your family is saying but if i was in your position i wouldnt cut the relationship!

Answer #9

Thanks for the answers. i agree with all of u in what you guys are saying about following what i want to do in my heart. also the reason im jus completely confused is she lies. she lied to my parents n jus played to different people on vacation. my parents think its a unhealthy relationship because i only no her mom n the dad doesnt wnt her having a boyfriend so im basically hidden.

Answer #10

Thanks for the answers. i agree with all of u in what you guys are saying about following what i want to do in my heart. also the reason im jus completely confused is she lies. she lied to my parents n jus played to different people on vacation. my parents think its a unhealthy relationship because i only no her mom n the dad doesnt wnt her having a boyfriend so im basically hidden.

Answer #11


Answer #12

no if you both love eachother you should stay together and make the relationship last!

Answer #13
  • distance is only a test of how far love can travel. (:
Answer #14

Don’t let your family influence the decisions that you make in regards to your relationships. If you start letting it show that they are, they’ll keep trying for the rest of your life.

Answer #15

I was in this same position a few years back. I left my boyfriend to go to college 6 hours away. We said we would stay together. At first everything worked but then I became very busy. He was always upset that I had chemistry homework or was hanging out with new people I had met in my dorm. Trust me you are going to have classes and meeting new people. Be sure to let her know that. Your parents are probably looking out for you because they know you should focus on the college experience.

Answer #16

thanku this post right here helped me a lot. i jus realized that i will b busy n will b meeting new people n i cnt hav someone mayb being jealous or insecure. We did jus break up n i still am confused thinking what if that was a wrong move?? but i dont no now i think im jus heartbroken i guess n dont no wut to do now but give it time i guess

Answer #17

thanku this post right here helped me a lot. i jus realized that i will b busy n will b meeting new people n i cnt hav someone mayb being jealous or insecure. We did jus break up n i still am confused thinking what if that was a wrong move?? but i dont no now i think im jus heartbroken i guess n dont no wut to do now but give it time i guess

Answer #18

hanku this post right here helped me a lot. i jus realized that i will b busy n will b meeting new people n i cnt hav someone mayb being jealous or insecure. We did jus break up n i still am confused thinking what if that was a wrong move?? but i dont no now i think im jus heartbroken i guess n dont no wut to do now but give it time i guess

Answer #19

I mean people say they won’t be jealous or upset but when it all boils down it happens. My ex was worried that I was going to move on with my life and not consider him. You can’t have that in your life and especially when you are in college. It’s another stress you don’t need. Give it time and maybe things between you two will change. As of right now it sounds like a common reaction to heart break. Hang in there and have a great time in college. It was the best 4 years of my life!

Answer #20

Yes, you should. You will both meet other people and want to have fun. Why prolong the inevitable? Maybe you can reconnect once you live closer, if you are both single. College life is so complicated, why make it a bad experience by having the tell every cute girl your meet that you are taken, and then resent your gf for it. Just break up and start growing as a person. Consider this a wonderful step to becoming an adult! It’s quite a journey!

Answer #21

If you truly love her you will want to stay together as long as it will last. If it was meant to be than everything will work out even if you can’t see her all the time. you have to have trust in each other and believe everything will be okay. If you have the feeling you may want to cheat or meet new people than I would save the trouble and go ahead and break up because you must not truly love her. even if you did try to make it last, it wouldn’t work because you don’t truly love her.

Answer #22

Thank you this is a very good point. its hard but im moving on and i am jus looking forward for college and new beginnings. i realized we r to young still n we need to go experience life and mayb down the road i cld b with her again. thanks for the help

Answer #23

is she is meant to be then she will find her way back to your hart and it sounds like you are young, so there are plenty of other girls out there. but keep in contact with her as a friend if she wants the same.

Answer #24

Do you love her? I mean like lover her lover her? then you she should be your one and only.

Answer #25

No u should get her a web cam and u should get a web cam and set up dates at certain times.

Answer #26

if you think you will either end up cheating on her or aren’t going to see her for a while. id say break up. long distance relationships are not always the best. dont do what people say to do. do what you think is best for the both of you. :)

Answer #27

If you really love her that wouldn’t be a question. If you do let her go easy. You have no idea how much things like that can hurt. Expecially if its in a situation like that.

Answer #28

i think all these people are right but right now what im thinking is how much its going to suck for her how painful itll be sure your going to meet new people and stuff but what about her?? seems like your just thinking bout your needs and stuff and how you want to have a new experience so it seems like you dont love her cuz wen u love someone i believe that u stick wit them not only good times and you kinda put them first and then it seems like at the same time u wanna b with her and think u guys cud b together again after but think if u make her go thru dis pain and then she forgets u whats going to happen ur plans arent going to work like u planned right? do u really wanna loose her? also it hink ur going to college its about o step it up and make ur decisions and what better way but choosing da one u love and telling ur family dats ur decision? i mean if u actually love her….. good luck

Answer #29

okeyy listen dude!,this seems to be a big problem for you at the moment,but at the end of the day yes family comes first! and they do have point, but if she makes you happy and you are clearly in love with this girl,whats a year!,if you will be living close to her and not moving away then make the time for her! you can only make this decision though,its entirely up to you and not your family,Make this clear to them!,if your thinking about taking a time out with her then you might mess up what ye both have,think with your heart not your head,if you do love her you will continue the relationship and dont break her heart over a no biggie sitituation xxx

Answer #30

if u love her and she loves u back u shouldnt break up for silly things

Answer #31

me and my boyfriend are college freshmans at different colleges but we make it work because we love eachother. You say you are happy so why ruin a good thing. Yes family is important but she should be important too, and sometimes family dont understand because they are on the outside looking in. You know how you feel best and whats good for you so you can make your own decisions.

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