Parents & Family Questions

  1. What do you do during family time?
  2. Why do people face problems differently?
  3. What should I do to become independant from my father?
  4. Where do babies come from?
  5. How old do I have to be to move out in Texas?
  6. How can I help my parents?
  7. Should I cut my hair just so I'm not kicked out?
  8. What do I do about my MEAN Mom?
  9. Can I live with my girlfriend's parents at 16?
  10. What do you do with your family during the summer?
  11. How can I get my parents to listen to my opinion about moving?
  12. for males...about ur mother
  13. How can I get over my Dad's death?
  14. Does having big boobs affect older brothers?
  15. What if my parents are crappy role models?
  16. How can I ask my Mom to wear makeup?
  17. How can I get my Mom to let me date?
  18. What do I do if my friend's little sister just passed away?
  19. How can I get my prejudiced Dad to accept us?
  20. How do I tell my Mom I'm spending time with my stepmom?
  21. How do I let my Dad know his behavior isn't right?
  22. How can I have a life with my parent's strict rules?
  23. How can I move out without hurting my parents?
  24. Is emancipation an option for my boyfriend?
  25. Can I move out at 16 to live with family?
  26. Can my parents take my baby away if I'm 13?
  27. Does sole physical custody mean we can move out of state?
  28. Can me Dad keep me in the state of Michigan?
  29. How to convince my grandma that we're just friends?
  30. How can I cope with my older role model's break up?
  31. How can I tell if my Dad is cheating?
  32. Why doesn't my family pay attention to me?
  33. Can I move out at 16 without my Mom's permission?
  34. How can I stop fighting with my Mom?!
  35. Should I confront my Mom about stealing money during taxes?
  36. Can I move out at 17 in Texas?
  37. How can I treat my mother better?
  38. How can I save our friendship before our holiday?
  39. How can I get my real Mom to let me like my Stepmom?
  40. How can I get my Mom to cut me loose?
  41. Can I move out at 17 in Michigan?
  42. How can I get my parents to support me moving out?
  43. Am I allowed to move out with my Mom's permission?
  44. Can the law stop me from moving back to my birth parent?
  45. Do I need permission to move out at 17?
  46. Can my girlfriend's Mom make her move to Canada?
  47. How do I tell my parents I might be pregnant?
  48. How can my boyfriend's family escape an abusive mother?
  49. How do you make your parents adopt?
  50. What do I do about my Dad hitting me?
  51. How can I get my boyfriend's mom to like me?
  52. How can I tell my mom that I like goth?
  53. How do I ask my Dad about getting pierced?
  54. Can I move out when I'm 17?
  55. Why is everyone dying?
  56. Can my daughter move back home with me?
  57. How do we tell our parents that I'm pregnant?
  58. How can I help my friend get through her parents' divorce?
  59. How can I strengthen my relationship with my Mom?
  60. How can I convince my Dad not to go to war?
  61. How can I get away from my parents?
  62. How can I legally move out?
  63. Is there parental responsibility if a son gets someone pregnant?
  64. What are the emancipation guidelines?
  65. How can I stay in contact with family?
  66. Can I live with my baby's daddy at 16?
  67. How do I tell my Mom I may be pregnant?
  68. How can I get my sister to treat me better?
  69. How can I be goth with overprotective parents?
  70. How can I get along with my family better?
  71. Is everything going to be okay with my autistic brother?
  72. How can I get rid of my stepdad?
  73. How do I emancipate myself?
  74. How can I stop fighting with my mom?!
  75. Will i disappoint my parents with this career?
  76. Can I move out at 17 in Missouri?
  77. Should I tell my niece's secret since she told mine?
  78. Can my Grandpa get custody of me without reason?
  79. What's the legal age I can move out in Texas? (continued)
  80. What's the legal age I can move out in Texas?
  81. Was I too hard on my Mom?
  82. Is it wrong to ask about my birth mother?
  83. Should I ask what kind of cancer my dad had?
  84. Can I get married anywhere with only one parental signature?
  85. Can I move out when I'm 15?
  86. How can I get my parents to let me be goth?
  87. What if no one in my family but my dad cares about me?
  88. How can I convince my Dad to keep his job?
  89. What do I do if my dad's girlfriend beat me?
  90. When can I legally move out in Texas?
  91. How can I show my brother I'm sorry for hitting him?
  92. How can I get rid of my stepdad?
  93. How do I tell my mom I got my period?
  94. How to find if someone has a power of attorney?
  95. How can I move in with my Mom?
  96. How can I show them I didn't do anything?
  97. I'm 18 and I just can't get pregnant!
  98. Can I legally move out of my parents' house at 17?
  99. How can I ask my stepdad to let me go to a teen club?
  100. How can I help my brother get a girlfriend?