How can I convince my Dad to keep his job?

My dad wants to quit his job. But that could put us in risk. What should I do to get him not to quit?

Answer #1

Hi dakmister,

I’m sorry you’re so worried about this. Have you talked to your Dad about why he wants to quit? Perhaps he has no other option. I’m sure if he’s going to quit, he’ll find a way to still take care of you. I think you should sit down with him and let you know how worried you are, and maybe you’ll see that it won’t be as bad as you think.

Answer #2

Dear dakmister, Is there a good reason he is quitting? Has he been irresponsible before? Does he quit jobs a lot? If your answer is no first time then he probably has a good reason and will put everything in place to make sure you are all taken care of. If it’s yes then speak with your mother as to ways she can make sure your family is provided for. These are the adults responsibilities and they need to take care of them. They sometimes forget that the rest of the family worries when they know of these problems. That is why adults should not discuss adult matters until they have taken care of their responsibilites and have come up with the solutions. Sue…good luck

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