How can I cope with my older role model's break up?

I don’t get along with my parents. I have these two older people Ashleigh [25] and James [31] who I have spent my whole life with. They weren’t married, they’ve been together, at the same house, and everything. I love to be around them. I’ve only known them together [7 years] they just broke up August of 2006, I’m having a hard time coping with this situation. I’ve talked to both of them, they know how I feel. All my friends talk about them all the time which upsets me alot. Ashleigh and Jamie have found new girlfriends/boyfriends, but I’m still stuck in the past and can’t move on. I love them both with everything I have [like parents] and now things are so incredibly different. Help! What do I do? How do I let go? How do I stop feeling so depressed?

Answer #1

Dear Tiff, You are learning a crucial tool in life….This is that you can’t control other peoples actions. You want things to stay the same….but the people you look up to are going a different direction. There is not one thing you can do. I know what you are feeling….What helps me is I look at the situation and say to myself….”O well life goes on, nothing I can do about the decisions people make”. Try this. Then think of something else. Don’t allow yourself to dwell on this. Maybe call one of them and ask them to go out to lunch or just hang out. Go through the changes with them. It may be great because now whoever they end up with will be a new friend for you. Get excited about their new relationships. Have fun!! This is really not a negative, it is simply change….Go with it and enjoy yourself. O yea, one more thing….Try not and look up to other human beings. This is always a let down in life when we do this..Only because human beings are not perfect..We all make mistakes and when we look up to others we place our “emotional state” in the hands of other individuals. No matter how great we think a person is….They are still human and placing your emotional state in the hands of imperfection is a dangerous thing. You can take areas of how people run their life, like it…. and incorporate it into your life….This is fine. But try not and “look up” to people anymore. Look up to yourself and depend on yourself, love yourself, take care of yourself. Take little qualities you see and like in others and incorporate them in to your life etc….Hope this helps. Familycoach

Answer #2

Whenever anyone asks “how to I move on/get over it?” the answer is always the same. Time and growth.

Take it one day at a time, honey. Everyday is a new day, everyday is a new way to cope.

Have you ever heard the saying that whatever you focus on, grows? If you continue to focus on the fact that you’re sad over this breakup, you will just continue to be sad and grow more sad.

So focus on something else that needs to grow. You. Focus on your hobbies and good friends. James and Ashleigh are human beings that make decisions that affect them, too. They are moving on in their own way. You need to find your own way to move on.

Stop making these two people your sunrise and sunset. That’s a lesson to learn for life. People will constantly disappoint you and let you down, even when they are doing the best that they can. So make your most important person you. Go out and spend the afternoon shopping for make up or shoes or a new outfit and everytime you think about your sadness with J and A, think about your happiness instead.

Answer #3

Listen to music, make new friends, go out and see new places. Forgetting is the best way…. Just occupy yourself with something else.

Answer #4

make ur self happy and enjoy things u like to do and stop thinking and being sad so much.

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