What do I do if my dad's girlfriend beat me?

This morning I woke up and got dressed for school but my dad’s girlfriend came into my room and started griping and yelling at me. Somehow we ended up in the hallway and well she attacked me NO JOKE. She hit me like 5-7 times she swung to slap me so I tried to duck a lil but she still got me and then she just kept hitting me and I tried to push her away but I was kinda in a weird position! I was against the wall and the last time she hit me she punched the side of my head and my head hit against the wall!! well I have no visible marks on my but the side of my head where she punched me I think it like a bruise or something because if I lay on it or touch it it kinda hurts like a bruise!!! I told my dad and he said he was going to talk to her but I don’t think he ever did!! Well what I want to know is what can I do? I’m scared to go to the school counselor because for one I don’t want my boyfriend to get drug into any of this because he is older than me and it’s illegal for us to be going out! I have no clue what to do. I need help!!!

Answer #1

What was she mad about!?!?!?

Answer #2

Dear bluechic9, You need to see a counsellor or report her to the police ASAP. Take a picture of your injuries. I understand your fear about your boyfriend but he need not be an issue here the issue is the next time she may harm you beyond repair. Your father has not stepped up to the plate here by kicking this woman to the curb. So unfortunately it is you who has to do the right thing. I’m assuming there are no other children in the home…if there is you have an obligation to report her not only legally but morally. This is the time to prove your maturity and do what has to be done. We don’t always like what we have to do and sometimes the right things is scary but you are not a punching bag. Show everyone you value your life and you are mature and can deal with this issue. Seek out help, we are not alone in the world there are others who share your concerns. Do the right thing. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

abuse is something noone should go though, tell your dad if he does nothing tell your counselors if necessary, our you could go to the police, but counselor would be the best bet,

Answer #4

i no u don’t want to do this but i your dad hasn’t handled it tell him once more then call the police and like sue said take pics of the insures!!

Answer #5

OMG, i would of killed her right then && their. But you probrobly made the right decision not to. If i were you i would get the Police involved cause if she is alot older that you, and your 18 of under she would yo to Jail. Thats not right, its disrespectful. You should defenetly let sombody know!!! && maybe she was drunk or on drugs or somthing if normaly she dosent seem abusive to you. Good luck with everything =] -Laura♥

Answer #6

You need to sit your dad and his gf down TOGETHER and discuss wat happened so she has no chance of lying about it. Becos my guess is that she lied to him about wat really happened and told him you are exaggerating. Sit them down, show your dad where your head hurts and then tell him you cannot live with someone who is abusive..she isnt even part of your family isnt related to you at all she has no right to lay a hand on you! and threaten her that is she does it again you will call the police right away becos you will not feel unsafe in your own home. This is a serious matter and need to show that so it doesnt happen again.

Answer #7

u set her straight if she thinks that shes ur mom well she can keep wishing ! No ONE in this world has the right to touch u i repeat no one in this world has the right to touch you . Or lay a nail on u , if she does it again runaway and go to a neighboor and stay there until ur dad comes home and set him straight and tell him that he has to get rid of her and if he doesnt then u leave and tell him he just gain a new gf but lost a daughter . and go live with ur mom or go to the police .

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