How can I save our friendship before our holiday?

I’m going on holiday with my family friend’s daughter soon.. She is very assertive, mean, mouthy and has emotional mood swings. She wont let me near my old friends, soon to be step sisters with them. When we go on holiday i want to get on with her and be with my soon to be step sisters. and when she does something mean to me i react to her and get the blame. She thinks my mum is her new mum just because her mother is a psycho who doesn’t want her and her brother. How do i save our friendship before our 2 week holiday?

Answer #1

Dear childbrainiac, Never react to her antics…I know it’s difficult but if you start walking away she may get tired of you not paying her attention. She is in a difficult situation as you are except she feels very rejected by her mother. This is going to cause her to look for attention and it seems she is looking for yours. You may have to come to the realization that you may never be friends with her. Because we can’t change the way other act we can only change the way we react. Try not reacting for the 2 weeks before you go on holidays and see if that makes a difference. Sue….good luck

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