Why doesn't my family pay attention to me?

Okay no one in family pays ANY good attention to me, all they do is ask me where something is or tell me how is am doing whatever wrong. MY boyfriend was started to do that too. I know he does not know what he does but he does do it. today omiting all “ have you seen” my family has said 4 words to me…. i had a conversation with my self on the car ride home, i did not realize it after wards. i talked and no one answered. All they do is give me food and make sure i am at school. i do not know what to do?

Before you say” talk to them” i have been trying to but they will not listen, i have done everything for attention and i am ready to break.

Answer #1

I would be willing to guess that you are quiet,never make a disruption,good grades, etc and your family has become used to treating you in a certain manner and they are comfortable with that. But you are not, so my advice to you is to slowly start introducing them to YOU. Remember, you can’t let others define how YOU feel about yourself. I agree with juniperone about your boyfriend. He sees how your family treats you so he has settled right into that role with them. Whether he is concious of it or not. It is so true that we get treated how we let others treat us. If I were in your shoes I would get rid of him,download some new music that you might be interested in,get comfy,look at your favorite magazine,book whatever. I think in this day we are all more technology driven and sometimes getting back to basics can help us get a clearer view of our own life. You hang in there!

Answer #2

It is difficult when the people who are supposed to be ther for you are not, Since you have tried talking and they have not responded you see it as a useless effort. I can only say don’t give up talking to them and letting them know how YOU feel. It is not only their responsibility to take you to school and feed you. If it still doesnt work seclude yourself from them for a while let them feel they are being neglected and in the mean time do things for yourself that you enjoy. I must stress though not to underestimate the power of communication. As far as your bf goes dump him, you can’t chose the family you were born into but you can definately choose your companion and if he is not fulfilling his role cut him off and find the right one. All the best , be strong.

Answer #3

No, don’t go out and do something majorly wrong, come on. That only hurts you.

Pay attention to your choice in men. Surround yourself with people who are as interested in you as you are them.

As far as your family goes–google the term “negative reinforcement”. Some families/parents only negatively reinforce because that’s how they were treated. Teenage years are hard for parent to relate to.

You’ll be 18 soon and you’ll be strong and interesting and have friends and you’ll be happy then. Keep your nose clean in the meantime. Rather than “talk to them” advice, maybe take an interest in something they are into. Lead by example and they may reciprocate. Be stronger and smarter than most dumb ass teens who just do drugs and get into trouble.

And dump that loser boyfriend of yours.

Answer #4

Break. It’s all you can do. Go out and do something majorly wrong. Let them notice what you’re saying.

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