How can I move out without hurting my parents?

Well I’m going to turn 18 in December and i was planning on moving out at that age because i cannot handle living under the same roof as my two annoying brothers and parents…….. but my parents told me that if you have in mind moving out then i shouldn’t even think of coming back and expect the door to be wide open that now I’m going to have to “knock” to be able to get in……… i don’t know what to do. I really want to move out but i don’t want to hurt my parents!!!! what do i do???

Answer #1

I feel for your situation. They are saying to you that if you want to move out of their home, then you must be truly independent. I think at your age, it would be a mistake to do that at this time. It doesn’t matter that they are being mean and won’t cut the cord–these are the cards that are on the table. So lets have a look at them and make a strategy to play them.

I think your problem is that you can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel–a difference between high school home life and college home life. You need to sit down with your parents like an adult. Tell them that you love them and thank them for their support. Tell them you don’t want to leave, but your brothers invade your privacy and space and annoy you to the point that you feel driven from the home. Then its time to talk about boundaries and expectations once college starts. At this point, all you know of expectations in college is that they expect you to live at home. What other expectations will they have? Don’t tell me, ask THEM.

At this point–you don’t have any boundaries and expectations set up in the household for living there while going to college. You will be working, going to class, studying and hanging out with friends. You will be having more freedom but you need to ask your parents what their expectations are of you once you begin college–and THEN you need to state what your expectations are for staying. You are growing up and it is time to start establishing yourself little by little. So for staying there, working and studying, helping to pay your own way, going to college under their support, ask that there be rules established for your brothers to abide by. You will need privacy to study and respect of your belongings. Maybe you can change rooms, have the basement, set up a personal space for you in the home and have a key to your door (of course you must offer to give your parents a copy of the key as well! Tell them what social activities you will want to be involved in, what your goals are, and what their expectations are. IS there a curfew?

You don’t have enough information established here to make this decision. Talk with your parents about how to best accomodate everyone–tell them what your concerns are in a non-confrontational way. Not, “You guys need to cut the cord”. Just frank statements about the kind of social life you’d like to have as a freshman in college.

They love and care about you and are giving you a huge gift of education. Take it from me–I’m an ex-foster kid with no family and was sent packing from the state when I was 18. No college, just work and struggle and hardship while all my college friends were settling into careers their degrees afforded them, I was working my way up the food chain at work fighting to get ahead. Thank god I finally go there, but it took me 5 years to accomplish what a simple degree would have. Think about this. I bet you can all come to an agreement and a compromise.

Answer #2

I think that is your parent’s way of saying that they do not feel you are ready to be out on your own. Are you going to college–more information is needed to really give good advice here. If they are footing the bill for you going to college, you have to do whatever they want.

Answer #3

i am struggling with the same problem i want to know how to tell my mom but she is not as civil as i would like, i dont know what i should do anymore becuase we had the argument where i said i was moving out and then she guilted me into staying . this time i have a place to live and only paying 310 a month so i want to go but i dont know how to tell her how did it work out for you? and there is no way what the other person replied will work for me.. .it all sounds nice but it just isnt the same

Answer #4

Oh and anothe rword of advice: The more you succeed at college, the more responsibility you show, the more the cord will be loosened. Parents like to see their children succeeding-that helps them let go and trust their kids will be okay.

And when you do talk to your parents–keep what you want with your social life at somewhat of a minimum. You don’t want to make it seem as if all you care about is going out and partying. Ask about finding time and peace int he home to study, transportation, finances. Get involved in every aspect of this and be a part of it–that will help them feel secure that you are up to nothing but good. And in turn you’ll get what you want more and more.

Answer #5

ok well i am going to college but i told them that i didnt want to go rite away and that i would work to pay for my college edu. but they said no that that isnt the problem. but i am also the only daughter and i have 2 brothers so they want to protect me more and that its because im a girl. i hate that they wont cut the cord and im 17 and i think its time! so can any one help me further?

Answer #6

thank you so much for ur advise it really helped im going to work things out wit my parents and brothers! i really apreciate it!!

Answer #7

u should move out but if ur mom and dad loves u then if u mess up they will let u go back home

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