Questions & Answers

  1. Why does my hair keep getting dark after I bleach it?
  2. Is being touched inappropriately considered like rape or what is it?
  3. Can you be a prostitute without having a pimp?
  4. Does anyone know a link to where I can watch Skins episode 6?
  5. Why do people think they're cool if they pretend to be "country" or "redneck"?
  6. How many minutes is a good amount of time to run a mile in?
  7. What music do adults listen to?
  8. How can I keep protein from sticking to the bottom of my blender?
  9. How come every time I try to publish my video I made on windows movie maker to my computer my computer shuts down and doesn't turn on till a half hour?
  10. Why the restrictions on posting links on FunAdvice?
  11. What are some American wedding traditions, such as throwing the bouquet?
  12. What can happen if you don't wait the 8 weeks to donate blood again?
  13. Is an attorney and a lawyer the same thing?
  14. Is it true that listening to music while doing homework/school helps you remember things?
  15. Can anyone tell me if this site is legit or not?
  16. What is your most favorite software which you love to use everyday and why?
  17. Are Six Flag roller coasters safe when there's an earthquake?
  18. Why isn't my mobile wi-fi working?
  19. Is it dangerous being a egg donor?
  20. Why are you supposed to wear green on St. Patrick's Day?
  21. What are some community colleges in the White Bear Lake, MN area?
  22. Is there anywhere in the world that slavery is legal?
  23. Does sucking of nipples change their color and size (make them bigger, darker, or more protruded)?
  24. Can somebody give some tips on being a good sniper in BBC2?
  25. Does bootlegging still exist?
  26. Why don't many doctors enforce the dangers of potential hearing loss from medicines?
  27. How to raise a shitzu/poodle to not be jealous?
  28. How do I get certain teachers to leave me alone?
  29. How is Ubuntu advantageous over Windows XP operating systems?
  30. What are your thoughts on the new "breast milk" ice-cream?
  31. What website can I go to to watch old tv shows like "I Love Lucy" and "The Lucy Show"?
  32. Does anybody know how to change the LED lights in an xBox 360 controller?
  33. What is it that makes cats not like water?
  34. Why does menopause affect women psychologically?
  35. What is Dengue Fever?
  36. How do I make new customizations for weapons in Battlefield Bad Company 2?
  37. How can I get faster reflexes?
  38. How do I convert 0.75 to a common fraction?
  39. Do all HP Pavilion Laptops use the same charger/adapter?
  40. How can I get better service on my cell?
  41. Who else plays Mabinogi on here?
  42. What could I use as a visual aid for my presentation about being an interior designer?
  43. What are some meals that both a vegetarian and a meat eater can enjoy?
  44. What are some rhetorical strategies used in this passage written by Martin Luther King?
  45. Why is it people say I am helpful yet I feel so worthless?
  46. Why did they choose Julia Roberts to play Sarah Palin in a movie instead of Tina Fey?
  47. Are there any games like World of Warcraft, but free?
  48. Does foundation and tanning cream give you pimples and blackheads?
  49. Can a plain-jane kinda girl make any money in the web cam industry?
  50. Would totally resetting your iPod delete all the apps?
  51. Could you say 'She sniggered'?
  52. When can I start to introduce sippy cups to my son?
  53. Why do I hate my Mom's boyfriend so much?
  54. What is the best cost effective, but still good educating homeschool curriculum?
  55. Does anyone know of any flexible home school programs for the state of Washington?
  56. Who knows anything about Harlequin ichthyosis?
  57. Does mineral oil help your hair grow?
  58. How long can you rent a house/flat for?
  59. Who's tired of the cold rainy weather and is ready for the sun?
  60. How do I face my fear of sick people?
  61. What's the latest version of Firefox beta or rc1 now?
  62. Why is seafood not considered meat?
  63. What are some good but sad instrumental songs?
  64. How do I help control my diabetes?
  65. What foods are forbidden during Lent?
  66. What's the best way to chip through 6 inches of concrete?
  67. Why wont my windows 95 start up on my libretto 50ct?
  68. Is David Cameron a Functionalist?
  69. Will wearing 3D glasses damage my eyes if I'm not watching anything that's 3D?
  70. Can I report a racist blog site?
  71. Would you buy or recommend a book with the best answers from our site?
  72. How come it's not good for your health if you're stressed out?
  73. What is the cheapest pre-paid phone, with the cheapest pre-paid card monthly?
  74. Why do some doctors treat chronic pain patients like drug addicts?
  75. Do you think that, in the future, marriage will be practically abolished as more couples choose to just live together?
  76. What are some good films that have recently come out in the cinema?
  77. Why do I lose interest in the guy once I have them?
  78. How much does a Canon 6D camera cost?
  79. Can you trade with other players in the game: "The Lord of the Rings Online"?
  80. How often should you start a car in the winter if it's not being driven?
  81. What happened to all the sardines in California?
  82. Do people roll their own cigarettes?
  83. Is it possible to colour my hair, even if I shave it, so it's like 2-3 mm long?
  84. How to monitor my home for free?
  85. How many centimeters in a foot?
  86. How can I change this phrase to modern English?
  87. Do you think my friend could become a professional tattooist?
  88. How to look good in winter clothes, Like BIG puffy jackets etc?
  89. Why are dreams so realistic sometimes?
  90. What can a Google account be used for, besides blogging?
  91. What are some good songs by Selena Gomez?
  92. What is a safe age for an infant to be taken to a public place like mall?
  93. Who thinks the twitter app in the blackberry app world is worth downloading?
  94. What does "C'est la vie" mean ?
  95. How much vitamin c is in a 8 ounce glass of orange juice?
  96. What kind/type of videos would you like to see more of on YouTube?
  97. How do I stop my insecurities from getting in the way with my relationships; friends, boyfriend and family?
  98. Can anyone give me a current social problem in our society?
  99. Does anyone know any good home schooling programs that are free for the state of Washington?
  100. Should the driving age be raised to 18?