Can I report a racist blog site?

I was recently was googling a news report and I stumbled on this racist blog site that bashes on black people, I was stunned, the n-word was used on there openly. I would like this blog site reported and possibly shut down. Is it possible to do this, and if I can how?

Answer #1

Yes you can but remember that people actually have the choice to be racist. They just cannot infringe their choice on anyone and especially to people in a negative way. It may end up as just a report, but at least the proper authorities may monitor them and catch them before any possible damage is done.

Answer #2

Thanks, I’m just offended and pissed right now and I feel that I should do something about it.

Answer #3

If they are using a free blog service such as blogger, then check out the terms of service. Blogger for example have a content policy, and a means of reporting blogs which infringe it’s rules. It’s possible you may be able to flag the blog itself.

Answer #4

Probably not considering they might be in different countries or states and different laws etc. Not unless your being targeted specifically.

Answer #5

Thanks Emma, I think they have they own website though…

Answer #6

Regardless of how much you dislike it, its not illegal to be racist and to speek freely about their opinions. Unless its a moderated blog site like blogger there isnt anything you can do about it and they have the right to post it. The fact is racism is still around but i can promise you a majority of the people that see that blog realize how ignorant the person is.

Answer #7

Yeah…unfortunately, I was like shocked how ignorant these bloggers wore, I figured I couldn’t do much but I thought I would at least ask you guys first. lol

Answer #8

As long as we get offended we get closer to equality.

Answer #9

I would say go for it i hate racist people!!!

Answer #10

Naomi, it won’t get shut down unless its violating its own provider’s terms of service, or doing something illegal. But that might not mean there’s nothing you can do about it; that depends. Is it just offensive and gross, or does it seem like it might be dangerous too? (Like if it’s advocating violence, or organizing people to take political action.) Because if it’s dangerous, there are antiracist groups that monitor that sort of thing, like the Southern Poverty Law Center. You could report it to them, in case they don’t already know about it. They’re at:

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