Answer #1

Bootlegging in what sense? Alcohol? Sure, more than likely. There are some counties and areas of the US with pretty backwards laws (well, compared to the national average)….

if you mean online piracy, well, of course, it’s in the news a lot, so I’m sure a lot of people do it. Doesn’t make it any more right to do so, of course.

Answer #2

Yeah I meant like Al Capone style bootlegging.

Answer #3

Around here , we still have Bootleggers, but the are people who sell alcohol after the liqour/beer store is closed and to underage people.

Answer #4

Bootlegging is alive and well both in the sense of the illegal processing and illegal sale of liquor. It is mostly resigned to small distribution as the prohibition laws of the 1920’s allowed large scale bootleggers such as the Bronfman Family to corner the market and buy out the smaller competition ruined by the legislation.

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