Sex Questions

  1. what are good questions to ask a girl
  2. I want an affair.
  3. I'm confused about my relationship with my boyfriend, can you help?
  4. How can I get my girlfriend's parents to accept me?
  5. Friendship with benifits is almost like dating... But I'm so confu
  6. Virginity
  7. I'm over obsessed help !!!!
  8. satisfaction
  9. My Girlfriend wont go down on me.
  10. I like white guys and im black
  11. my boyfriend is ignorin me
  12. does he want me
  13. Where 2 draw the line
  14. Abused ove 10 years ago, Just reported it, some help please!!!
  15. I need help masturbating in front of my boyfriend, any ideas to ma
  16. How to simulate the feel of pussy?
  17. dwelling on the past
  18. our love life
  19. we fooled around, he has a girlfriend but I like him
  20. My low-sex drive
  21. What should I do
  22. His friend kissed me
  23. I gave him a blow job and we both liked it!!!
  24. High risk pregnancy, threatened miscarriage, childs father and I b
  25. I'm getting married in a week and not sure if I love him.
  26. how to make my boyfriend stay hard
  27. orgasam
  28. I go for a long time
  29. my boyfriend and I really want eachother...we just dont know if th
  30. should I and is it goin to hurt
  31. im 14 and im having se x with my 23 years old auncle
  32. Advic/Help Needed Fast
  33. Ex's Best Friend
  34. xo luv you ox
  35. Alright My girlfriend's parents hate me passionately. What should
  36. sex drive
  37. Regret having sex for the first time?
  38. Sex stops in Marriage
  39. Marriage in sex
  40. Who should I Choose? I am so confused!!!!
  41. He says he doesn't want me... I don't believe him
  42. am I wasting my life??
  43. I need more advice on my cheating boyfriend...pls....
  44. I want to cum!
  45. My unfaithful boyfriend
  46. Very confused
  47. I have a girlfriend that a lil younger then me bt more expersinced
  48. Want to have an affair
  49. cheathing boyfriend
  50. Can I trust my boyfriend to not cheat for three months while Im aw
  51. Help I need new ways to make sex fun
  52. What ways can I make my
  53. How to get a guy to get clost to you and have sex
  54. Tell me your story (pppllleeeaaassseee!!!)
  55. Cheating has to stop
  56. Masterbation tips needed
  57. ON MY Girlfriend's name CAN YOU HELP ME???
  58. sexless for a while: Is it okay
  59. Does he not want me??
  60. How many electoral college votes in Tennessee?
  61. Is taking Coral Calcium safe?
  62. Where was Brian Akerley a post doctoral fellow?
  63. What does 4th degree sexual criminal conduct mean?
  64. How many years does it take for doctoral degree?
  65. How many professional athelets are open about their homosexua
  66. How many people in the united states get infected with sexual
  67. How do you define your sexuality?
  68. How did socartes feel about the immorality soul?
  69. How common is bi-sexuality?
  70. How can paleoanthropologist conclude basedon fossil that sexu
  71. How can I find the address and phone ber for ivy hall nursing
  72. How can crohns disease affect your sexual life?
  73. How can crohn's disease affect your sexual life?
  74. Can I make my own floral preservative?
  75. Can I get information on kern lee mobile home park in essex m
  76. please oh please o please help
  77. Im sexually aroused by my man but cannot cum...
  78. What does going out mean?
  79. will he ever come out of his shell(s)?
  80. Married but feeling desire for someone else - emotional affair
  81. Confused about marrying fiance due to mostly sexless relationship
  82. I want an affair--I think...
  83. when you get molested
  84. My one time with an older married women...feeling guilty...please
  85. He loves me, He loves me not
  86. My Boyfriend is leaving
  87. married and wanting to have an affair,a little excitement .Like w
  88. what went wrong during our happy relationship
  89. How do I have sex with my boyfriend when it feels like I'm with my father?
  90. Why does sex change your relationship?
  91. Why has my man not had sexual intercourse with me?
  92. he thinks everything is fine because hes always satisfied...but wh
  93. I'm only 16 and I can't keep an erection long enough to
  94. Is there a reason why I'm so scared of sex?
  95. how do I get this boy to love me??
  96. Is it right to end this long distance relationship?
  97. How do I freshen sex life after 23 years of marriage?
  98. Trapped in a sexless relationship