cheathing boyfriend

I have been with my boyfriend for a year and a half, I found out yesterday that he has been seeing another girl, not having sex but kissing and flirting. It was a whole big secret and it was me who confronted the girl and found out everything. I still love him, but I dont deserve all the hurt and pain he caused…what should I do? Stay or leave???? pls help. Holly

Answer #1

the question you should ask ursefelf is if he really loves you..only u can know if he loves u..and u need to take into consideration what all u 2 have been through if it is worth giving up..but also he cheated on u and u need to truly look into ur heart and see if he deserves to be forgiven..if he loves u the same way u love him..if u forgive him u need to pray so the hurt goes won;t go away overnight coz it takes time to heal…talk to him and try working things our first but if ur heart tells u he is lying to u u should leave him…

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