my boyfriend and I really want eachother...we just dont know if th

ok,im young…to most of you 30 yr olds…..REALLY young. and my boyfriend and I have been going 4 like 10mon. I love him he loves me…bla bla bla…..but all we’ve done is french and grab eachothers ass. I want to go farther and I think he does to because we have talked about it and I know I REALLY want to go there…not sex….but you know blow jod and crap. how do I tell him im ready and ask him if he is? do I just do it? or should I ask or what? im so cunfuzzled! please help me!

Answer #1

Please make sure whatever you decide that you have proper birth control and CONDOMS. You can get std’s from giving oral sex also , so be safe first and foremost. REALLY think this through before you decide to go there. I know you feel ready but I was there (okay long long ago) and had a boyfriend all through high school, and this decision will change who you are for life. I know you don’t think so now (I didn’t!) but you WILL regret it..and it’s so easy to get caught up in stuff once the oral sex starts…Please be careful but if your still determined to do it just be honest with him about your feelings and make sure you are in a safe place.

Fast forward,, ten months seems like a long time, but wait til it’s been ten yr.s, you’ll be thinking”Get off me, ewww!”. Just be careful.

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