Parents & Family Questions

  1. What should I so with my boyfriends mother?
  2. Advice on californa laws
  3. Where to find a good parent figure?
  4. Abusive
  5. Little brother trouble.
  6. How can I find info on my father
  7. I'm 18 and want to move out my parents dont want me to
  8. is it my fault my grandmother died?
  9. Why isn't my sister talking to me?
  10. My parents are too overprotective!!
  11. I want & NEED to move.
  12. My older sister
  13. Uncomfortable around my prissy aunt
  14. I dont want to go to the doctor with her
  15. She snores badly in sleep
  16. Sad/fake it/ or just sit there while he's being removed?
  17. can I move out of my aunts house at the age of 15
  18. How can I get my mom to let me see my boyfriend?
  19. My soon to be in-laws are talking about me behind my back.
  20. Forgeting stuff
  21. Why doesnt my mum love me
  22. My friend wants her son back, how to help?
  23. My daughter thinks it was her fault
  24. Why is everyone mad?
  25. How can I convince my parents 2 immigrate back 2 sa
  26. Will social services take my babies?
  27. What to do when everyone knows your preg but the dad dosent want it
  28. Why is my family so mean?
  29. What should I do about my moms live in boyfriend?
  30. Parental lockdown
  31. it toke my brother.
  32. My family
  33. What do I do about my sisters friend?
  34. Why are parents so overprotective these days?
  35. How can I convince my parents to let me have a dog?
  36. Who do you look alike more your father or your mother.
  37. Parents won't let me go to school
  38. Making out with parent in house
  39. How do you do it?
  40. Can I move from Florida to South Carolina at age 17?
  41. Emancipation Alternative?
  42. Runnig away
  43. Should I just run away?
  44. Convincing mum and dad to go to america
  45. How do I get my dad to stop yelling at me when I dont do anything
  46. My family hates my boyfriend!!!
  47. I want to find my dad
  48. Advice on family issues
  49. Wanting my daughter back...
  50. Im 17 and pregnant and dont know how to tell my dad
  51. Caught smoking weed by parents, what to do?
  52. How do I tell them?
  53. Can a seventeen year old move out?
  54. Is it what I think it is?
  55. is my dad someone to stay away from
  56. The best way to deal with being disowned for marrying a non-muslim
  57. 18 and I want to move out.
  58. Am I doing the right thing...
  59. Parental Problems
  60. How old do I have to be to move out?
  61. how can I have them say yes...
  62. why do parent fight with kids all the time
  63. My best friend is 13 and shes pregnant
  64. Why does my friend's sister act the way she does?
  65. parents and brothers
  66. Big problem about Detention
  67. How do I prove it?
  68. How can I get back at my step dad?
  69. How to convince my mom?
  70. Im 18 and told parents about pregnancy!
  71. I have a 1month son and im 17, can I get married without parent con
  72. Older Brother?
  73. Is this fair or how it should be ..?
  74. Can you move out when your 17...
  75. She's Using My Son to Control Me. Legally, what can I do?
  76. Ways to help with my family?
  77. if a 17 year old girl get hits by her dad can she move out
  78. Why do my parents do give me what I WANT!
  79. Should I go stay with my dad for the summer?
  80. Very nosey parent
  81. How do I tell my mom I am bi?
  82. One of them put mi mom's ipod touch in the washer
  83. Would you call the police?
  84. How can I make sure my family doesn't scare every boy off?
  85. How can I deal with my dad abusing me?
  86. hi,I am sunil (20)I dont want to live with my femily
  87. I want to leave the house because or family problems.
  88. How to convise my daddy!
  89. How can I deal with my life being this way?
  90. How can I stop my brothers 4rm beatin on me
  91. How to Convince the Principal and my Parents!
  92. How can I convince my dad to let me get a dog?
  93. I'm under a lot of pressure, what do I do?
  94. Do you need your mothers birth certificate?
  95. My motherinlaw is crazy, how can I deal with it?
  96. How can we get me brother to leave the house?
  97. Sister help
  98. Expetions
  99. Giggle, giggle.
  100. How to get emancipated in Arizona