What should I do about my moms live in boyfriend?

Ok my mom has a mexican boyfriend that has been living with us for 2 and 1/2 years and im tiered of it I hate him!!! Im olny 13 so I cant leave the house. One time I told my mom that I didnt like him and she needed to chose me or him or I would just leave she went to my room got a pillow and blanket handed it to me and opened the door and today he put all the clothes from my closet on my bed so I would have to sleep in the bed with him and my mom because when I was younger I slept with my mom and he would try to touch my and ever since hes been trying to find a way for me to sleep with them. I told my mom and she said that if he does it again she would kick him out well one time when I was 12 he came in my room and I woke up and he was pulling my pants off so I screamed and he ran out I told my mom and she said next time im going to call the cops and kick him out. He hits her and yells at her he always calls her a hore and a prostatoot. He yells at me and is always mean and rude sometimes I think about killing myself sometimes I think about murdering him!!! I hate him please pleassse help!!! oh and hes not even leagle in the u.s. He doesnt have his green card!!!

Answer #1

hun , it’s obvious your mom is not going to call the police , if I were you , I would go to the police , that man needs to go to jail , good luck , and funmail me if you need help - kaytee :)

Answer #2

Honey Contact The Police Asap!

Answer #3

call 911 or defax my mom use to work there

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