How do I tell them?

How do I tell my parents im bi before someone tells them? To make things harder there major homophobes!!! Please help!

Answer #1

well if their major homophobes their obvioulsy going to trip out but if you feel like you have to tell them then tell them.

you could start off by tellin them to sit down and that your gonna tell them sumthin serious and important. you should start off by tellin them sumthin like this “I have something important to tell you guys, and I hope this doesnt change anything between us,or what you think of me and what not”…ect ect..and you carry it on from there…say what you feel after that or just say whatever you want..but either way after you tell them im sure theyre gonna be shocked and maybe wish you werent that way but they are gonna have to learn to accept it and accept you for who you are because they are your parents and your their son/daughter and any parent in their right mind loves their children no matter what. so they should get over it.

well good luck with that and hopefully all goes well!

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