Is it what I think it is?

Someone please help.. so I’ve been noticing somthing wierd about my dad and my aunt… Will wenever we go to a party my aunt always be sitting next to my dad and makes me have doubts and like today my dad was getting home from work and he was outside and den my aunt went outside to and den I see my dad give my aunt a hug like I looked like a tight hug.. And will I don’t know what to do or am I just jumping straight into conclusions… Someone please help..

Answer #1

there are allot of things it could be,first is your dad a very affectionate person,if not you may want to talk to the both of them about it,it could be nothing,jumping to conclusions is never a good idea.

Answer #2

Where they alone? Where was your Mom? Why don’t you tell your Mom?. Tell your Mom what you noticed.

Answer #3

yes they where alone, my mom was inside and I havent told her nothing bcuase im scared of what might happen if I do tell her…

Answer #4

So they’re friends. In many /normal/ cultures unlike the US’s and others where invading anyone’s personal space is a crime, it is a custom to hug/give a kiss on the cheek to anyone you’re meeting - whether you’re meeting them for the first time or saying hi to an old friend. It’s not a big deal.

Answer #5

I wouldnt say anything especially if your not sure, could be catastrophe. how long have your parents be married? it is possible to be close to wives or girlfriends sisters or brothers especially over time. but yes there is a line. I once got along with my girlfriends sister better than her in some subjects and ways, but I never crossed the line. so get more evidence before you say.

Answer #6


Answer #7

is it your mothers sister or his?

Answer #8


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