My older sister

My sister is really protective over me.. Like when I sliped in highheels and hit my head on the tile at my school,,, when she heard about it she over reacted and called me every five minutes to see if I was ok or not. Also when she checks my cellphone every time I see her to see who I have been texting. Then when my friend nikki and I were play fighting nikki takeld me and my cousin called her and my sister said she was going to smack nikki into next week. Because she thought nikki was trying to choke me but she wasnt

Answer #1

just tell her how you feel about that I have a older brother thats like that espesaly when I have a boy friend I just told him that I can make my own desitions and not to worrie about me as much and if I need your help I will come to u, you dont have to come to me. just tell her something like that fun mail me if you have any more questions or need more on this

Answer #2

Seriously, I would have a sit down with you sister and talk to her about it, bring it to her attention that she is suffocating you and that you need some space, that you are not a child and don’t need to be treated as one. But do it maturely and don’t get angry. She does it because she loves you and may not really be aware that she is invading your personal space. Just bring it to her attention. If she doesn’t listen or doesn’t stop, I would consult your parents. Don’t have them deal with it for you, but just ask for some advice from them because they certainly know your sister better than anyone else on this site ever could, and they know you.

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