How to convise my daddy!

Ok so on hollowen I want to go to elitches and hang out whit my friends but my dad is so overprotected that I;m sure that he wont let me! How do I convice him because I really want to go! I want to have fun, it was all planed that we are all ganna dress as vampires but the only thing missing is my dad letting me go! Plese help!!! I want ways so he cam let me go, whit out him being there!!

Answer #1

First of all, it is spelled, convince. You’ll hate to hear it, but on the whole, if your dad says no, chances are there is a really good reason fo rthat answer. Give your dad some credit, he has been through all of life before. He knows what guys think about, want, and what they will do to make themselves happy. You don’t mention your age, maturity level, or degree of common sense you possess. Surprise the heck out of your dad, if says no, take it knowing he has your best interests at heart, and just tell your friends you can’t go. Oh well! Get used to living with disappointments, it’s all a part of life. Show your dad your maturity when he says, no, and just say, okay, thanks anyway, and I love you for caring. He will either die of a heart attack, or feel so good that his baby girl is growing up. Take Care! Don

Answer #2

okay let him talk to one of your friends parents like whose gonna take you or be there with you guys. let him know that you helped out with the planning too and you are the only one who helped and it’s going. honestly do that don’t beg him too much because your only gonna frustrate him and if he doesnt let you do fight it because im 17 and im still afraid to go out on that night with my friends its pretty dangerous.

Answer #3

ok mine mom is the same way just say your clean your room or dishes or somethiung and if you have a cell bring it and he could just cheack on u, yeah I might be bugging you but a least you clould probly go right?

Answer #4

ask your mom. that always works for me. then again my parents are divorced so…

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