My parents are too overprotective!!

my parents are sooo overprotective. I wanted 3 things for my birthday and they asked me to pick different things. I wanted a ferret, my nose pierced and/or my hair dyed black. they said no pets, no piercings, and that I gotta keep my natural hair color. I know im only 13 but millions of other people have the same thing done at even younger ages! HELP?!

Answer #1

You live in their house you live by their rules…is it fair? No, but you’re the child and they get to make the rules.

You say that you only wanted 3 things but those 3 things are pretty big requests. Getting a pet is a big responsibility that maybe they don’t think you’re ready for and they don’t want to help you take care of. Getting your nose pierced and your hair dyed black…it would change your appearance and maybe they wouldn’t be happy looking at you like that. There are a lot more parents that don’t let their kids get pierced than that do…besides, why do you need to do what everyone else is doing?

Using the argument that there are millions of other people that have it done will NOT work on a parent…it never has and it never will. This doesn’t make your parents overprotective, it makes them normal. They want the best for their daughter and to them getting pierced isn’t the best.

Answer #2

Geez, that isn’t overprotective, well maybe they don’t want their child to have piercings and/or dyed hair and a ferret. Their rules, you live by them until you move out. Geez.

Answer #3

thay are just not wanting to let you grow up fast. Talk to them and let them know how you feel when you feel that they think you are not reaponsiblr.

Plese your perents are not protectivr, my dad is I’m 13 and he wont let me hang out whit ma friends alone.

Answer #4

Yeah, I wanted my belly button periced and dye my hair black and green when I was living with them. Now that Im on my own funny I havent done it yet.

Now that im on my own and everything I can see it in colethky’s way

Answer #5

Okay first of all that doesn’t make your parents overprotective because they won’t let you have a pet or get piercings. You are only 13 so you do have to live by your parents rules. I’m 18 so I know how difficult it can be to have your parents say no. Trust me parents sometimes know something that we don’t. Just trust them for now even if you don’t agree with them. Also, don’t go out and do it anyway just because they said no that is a dumb idea.

Answer #6

Hate to be nasty here but your cats are going because of their behaviour and dirt around the house. These are YOUR cats which you have stated YOU take care of… well if they are misbehaving and leaving messes around he house and they are yours! What message is this giving to your parents?

I’m sure when the cats came you promised to look after them and do everything with them, now there running riot - why would they buy you another pet that they probably have limited knowledge about.

A cat is a cat, fairly basic to look after, feed and train and you haven’t done that with the cats, your parents are not going to buy you a ferret for you to love for 6 months and then get bored of - they wont know how to take care of it.

Simple explanation don’t you think

Answer #7

see , you guys arent getting it. we’re getting rid of the cats because of their bad behaviour and dirtyness, so my parents are turned off of all animals, im trying to convince them to let me get a ferret of my own, not a family ferret, and I’ve gave up on the idea of hairdye and peircings…I asked specifically for a ferret and I need ideas on how to convince them that ferrets are cute pets.

Answer #8

Boo Hoo, your 13 not 18. I’m sure they don’t want you mutilating your body and hair too early in life. I’ve done it myself but not at 13, thats too much. As for the ferret, they probably think you’ve enough pets. Your lucky you have them, and your lucky to be getting presents full stop, theres a lot of people out there with no jobs an money and struggling to put food on the table. Don’t grow up too fast, youv’e your whole life to be mature and crusty

Answer #9

the nose piercing and the hair color was only a small request, it was something I wanted for if they didnt let me get the ferret. the ferret was the thing I wanted the most. I reallly want one. I’ve done research, I’ve made my room safe for the little guy, and I already have 2 cats that I take care of, and if they still dont think im responsible enough, then they must really think im a baby.

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